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#include <iostream>
struct TreeNode{
TreeNode* left;
TreeNode* right;
int data;
TreeNode(const int& data): data(data), left(nullptr), right(nullptr){}
TreeNode* find(TreeNode* root, const int& data){
* Find the node that contains the given data and
* return that node
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @params: `data` data to be find in the tree
* @return: tree node that contains the data
* Average case Time Complexity: O(log(n))
* Worst case Time Complexity: O(n)
if(root == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("Error: find() cannot find the data. The data doesn't exist."); }
else if(root->data == data) { return root; }
else if(root->data < data) { return find(root->right, data); }
else { return find(root->left, data); }
void Insert(TreeNode*& root, const int& data){
* Create and Insert the node in the appropriate place of the tree
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @params: `data` data to be inserted in the tree
* @return: void
* Average case Time Complexity: O(log(n))
* Worst case Time Complexity: O(n)
if(root == nullptr) { root = new TreeNode(data); }
else if(root->data == data) { throw std::runtime_error("The node already exist. Duplicates not allowed"); }
else if(root->data < data) { Insert(root->right, data); }
else { Insert(root->left, data); }
TreeNode* rightmost(TreeNode* node){
* Find and return the rightmost value of the sub-tree
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @return: value of the node at the rightmost end of the sub tree
if(node->right == nullptr){ return node; }
return rightmost(node->right);
TreeNode* predecessor(TreeNode* node, const int& data, TreeNode* value){
* Find and return the previous smallest value to data
* @params: `node` root/parent node of the tree
* @params: `data` data to compare with
* @params: `value` holds the previous smaller value to data
* @return: previous smallest value to data
if(node->data < data){ return predecessor(node->right, data, node); }
else if(node->data > data){ return predecessor(node->left, data, value); }
return value;
TreeNode* in_order_predecessor(TreeNode* root, const int& data){
* Find the in-order predecessor of the given data
* @params: `root` root of the tree
* @params: `data` data where it's predecessor to be found
* @return: in-order predecessor for the given data
TreeNode* node = find(root, data);
if(node->left !=nullptr){ return rightmost(node->left); }
return predecessor(root, data, nullptr);
TreeNode* leftmost(TreeNode* node){
* Find and return the leftmost value of the sub-tree
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @return: value of the node at the leftmost end of the sub tree
if(node->left == nullptr){ return node; }
return leftmost(node->left);
TreeNode* successor(TreeNode* node, const int& data, TreeNode* value){
* Find and return the next biggest value to data
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @params: `data` data to compare with
* @params: `value` holds the next biggest value to data
* @return: previous smaller value to data
if(node->data < data){ return successor(node->right, data, value); }
else if(node->data > data){ return successor(node->left, data, node); }
return value;
TreeNode* in_order_successor(TreeNode* root, const int& data){
* Find the in-order successor of the given data
* @params: `data` data where it's predecessor to be found
* @params: `root` root of the tree for the prevSmallerAncester function
* @return: in-order successor for the given data
TreeNode* node = find(root, data);
if(node->right !=nullptr){ return leftmost(node->right); }
return successor(root, data, nullptr);
void print(TreeNode* root){
* Print the tree in an inorder fashion
* @params: `root` root/parent node of the tree
* @return: void
if(root != nullptr){
std::cout << root->data << " ";
int main(){
TreeNode* root = nullptr;
Insert(root, 37);
Insert(root, 19);
Insert(root, 4);
Insert(root, 22);
Insert(root, 51);
Insert(root, 55);
Insert(root, 42);
Insert(root, 20);
Insert(root, 11);
Insert(root, 0);
Tree structure
/ \
19 51
/ \ / \
4 22 42 55
/\ /
0 11 20
0 4 11 19 20 22 37 42 51 55
int value = 4;
if(in_order_predecessor(root, value)){
std::cout << "\nPredecessor of " << value << " is " << in_order_predecessor(root, value)->data << std::endl;
else{ std::cout << "\nNo predecessor" << std::endl; }
if(in_order_successor(root, value)){
std::cout << "Successor of " << value << " is " << in_order_successor(root, value)->data << std::endl;
else{ std::cout << "No successor" << std::endl; }
return 0;