24 lines
629 B
24 lines
629 B
int main(){
memomizing_fib(); // this is to initialize the memomized table
int n = 15;
printf("%d\n", recur_fib(n)); // it becomes slow as n get larger for recur_fib
for(int i = 0; i <= 35; ++i){
printf("n = %d\t", i);
printf(" %d", iter_fib(i));
printf(" %d", memo_fib(i));
printf(" %d", log_fib(i));
printf(" %d", binet_fib(i));
printf(" %d\n", iter_log_fib(i));
int sum = 0;
int bound = 4000000;
for(int i = 0; memo_fib(i) < bound; ++i)
if(memo_fib(i)%2 == 0)
sum += memo_fib(i);
printf("The sum of even Fibonacci number below %d = %d", bound, sum);
return 0;