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Python implementation of Boyer_Moore algorithm for patter matching                     
This version includes both the 'bad character' and the 'good suffix'                      
heuristics. The program preprocesses the pattern and creates different arrays             
for each of the two heuristics. At every step, it slides the pattern by the               
maximum of the slides suggested by the two heuristics at every step.                      
Worst case performance is Theta(m) (preprocessing) + O(mn) (matching).                     
Best case performance is Theta(m) preprocessing + Omega(n/m) matching.                     
Francesco Franco 2023-05-15 12:58:23 +02:00 committed by GitHub
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"""Python implementation of Boyer_Moore algorithm for patter matching
This version includes both the 'bad character' and the 'good suffix'
heuristics. The program preprocesses the pattern and creates different arrays
for each of the two heuristics. At every step, it slides the pattern by the
maximum of the slides suggested by the two heuristics at every step.
Worst case performace is Theta(m) (preprocessing) + O(mn) (matching).
Best case performace is Theta(m) preprocessing + Omega(n/m) matching.
from typing import *
def alphabet_index(c: str) -> int:
"""Return the index of the given character in the English alphabet, counting from 0."""
val = ord(c.lower()) - ord("a")
assert val >= 0 and val < ALPHABET_SIZE
return val
def match_length(S: str, idx1: int, idx2: int) -> int:
"""Return the length of the match of the substrings of S beginning at idx1 and idx2."""
if idx1 == idx2:
return len(S) - idx1
match_count = 0
while idx1 < len(S) and idx2 < len(S) and S[idx1] == S[idx2]:
match_count += 1
idx1 += 1
idx2 += 1
return match_count
def fundamental_preprocess(S: str) -> list[int]:
"""Return Z, the Fundamental Preprocessing of S.
Z[i] is the length of the substring beginning at i which is also a prefix of S.
This pre-processing is done in O(n) time, where n is the length of S.
if len(S) == 0: # Handles case of empty string
return []
if len(S) == 1: # Handles case of single-character string
return [1]
z = [0 for x in S]
z[0] = len(S)
z[1] = match_length(S, 0, 1)
for i in range(2, 1 + z[1]): # Optimization from exercise 1-5
z[i] = z[1] - i + 1
# Defines lower and upper limits of z-box
l = 0
r = 0
for i in range(2 + z[1], len(S)):
if i <= r: # i falls within existing z-box
k = i - l
b = z[k]
a = r - i + 1
if b < a: # b ends within existing z-box
z[i] = b
else: # b ends at or after the end of the z-box, we need to do an explicit match to the right of the z-box
z[i] = a + match_length(S, a, r + 1)
l = i
r = i + z[i] - 1
else: # i does not reside within existing z-box
z[i] = match_length(S, 0, i)
if z[i] > 0:
l = i
r = i + z[i] - 1
return z
def bad_character_table(S: str) -> list[list[int]]:
Generates R for S, which is an array indexed by the position of some character c in the
English alphabet. At that index in R is an array of length |S|+1, specifying for each
index i in S (plus the index after S) the next location of character c encountered when
traversing S from right to left starting at i. This is used for a constant-time lookup
for the bad character rule in the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm, although it has
a much larger size than non-constant-time solutions.
if len(S) == 0:
return [[] for a in range(ALPHABET_SIZE)]
R = [[-1] for a in range(ALPHABET_SIZE)]
alpha = [-1 for a in range(ALPHABET_SIZE)]
for i, c in enumerate(S):
alpha[alphabet_index(c)] = i
for j, a in enumerate(alpha):
return R
def good_suffix_table(S: str) -> list[int]:
Generates L for S, an array used in the implementation of the strong good suffix rule.
L[i] = k, the largest position in S such that S[i:] (the suffix of S starting at i) matches
a suffix of S[:k] (a substring in S ending at k). Used in Boyer-Moore, L gives an amount to
shift P relative to T such that no instances of P in T are skipped and a suffix of P[:L[i]]
matches the substring of T matched by a suffix of P in the previous match attempt.
Specifically, if the mismatch took place at position i-1 in P, the shift magnitude is given
by the equation len(P) - L[i]. In the case that L[i] = -1, the full shift table is used.
Since only proper suffixes matter, L[0] = -1.
L = [-1 for c in S]
N = fundamental_preprocess(S[::-1]) # S[::-1] reverses S
for j in range(0, len(S) - 1):
i = len(S) - N[j]
if i != len(S):
L[i] = j
return L
def full_shift_table(S: str) -> list[int]:
Generates F for S, an array used in a special case of the good suffix rule in the Boyer-Moore
string search algorithm. F[i] is the length of the longest suffix of S[i:] that is also a
prefix of S. In the cases it is used, the shift magnitude of the pattern P relative to the
text T is len(P) - F[i] for a mismatch occurring at i-1.
F = [0 for c in S]
Z = fundamental_preprocess(S)
longest = 0
for i, zv in enumerate(reversed(Z)):
longest = max(zv, longest) if zv == i + 1 else longest
F[-i - 1] = longest
return F
def string_search(P, T) -> list[int]:
Implementation of the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm. This finds all occurrences of P
in T, and incorporates numerous ways of pre-processing the pattern to determine the optimal
amount to shift the string and skip comparisons. In practice it runs in O(m) (and even
sublinear) time, where m is the length of T. This implementation performs a case-insensitive
search on ASCII alphabetic characters, spaces not included.
if len(P) == 0 or len(T) == 0 or len(T) < len(P):
return []
matches = []
# Preprocessing
R = bad_character_table(P)
L = good_suffix_table(P)
F = full_shift_table(P)
k = len(P) - 1 # Represents alignment of end of P relative to T
previous_k = -1 # Represents alignment in previous phase (Galil's rule)
while k < len(T):
i = len(P) - 1 # Character to compare in P
h = k # Character to compare in T
while i >= 0 and h > previous_k and P[i] == T[h]: # Matches starting from end of P
i -= 1
h -= 1
if i == -1 or h == previous_k: # Match has been found (Galil's rule)
matches.append(k - len(P) + 1)
k += len(P) - F[1] if len(P) > 1 else 1
else: # No match, shift by max of bad character and good suffix rules
char_shift = i - R[alphabet_index(T[h])][i]
if i + 1 == len(P): # Mismatch happened on first attempt
suffix_shift = 1
elif L[i + 1] == -1: # Matched suffix does not appear anywhere in P
suffix_shift = len(P) - F[i + 1]
else: # Matched suffix appears in P
suffix_shift = len(P) - 1 - L[i + 1]
shift = max(char_shift, suffix_shift)
previous_k = k if shift >= i + 1 else previous_k # Galil's rule
k += shift
return matches