/* Description: A program to reverse the digits of a number. Approach: Running a while loop over number till it becomes 0 Multiplying the result variable to 10 each time. Taking the modulus of number at every iteration and adding it to the final result to generate the reverse. Dividing the number by 10 at every iteration. */ #include using namespace std; //function long reverse_digit(long n) { //result variable long num = 0; while (n != 0) { //storing the last digit of n in temp variable long temp = n % 10; //multiplying the num variable into 10 and adding temp value to it num = num * 10 + temp; //Dividing n by 10 at each iteration n = n / 10; } return num; } //main starts int main() { cout << "Enter a number\n"; long n; cin >> n; cout << "Reverse number is: "; cout << reverse_digit(n); } /* Input: Enter a number 1234 Output: Reverse number is: 4321 */