""" BFS graph using Adjacency List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -In Breadth-First Search Sequence of any graph all children of a parent node is visited first and the children are stored in the QUEUE array and VISITED array. -Children of nodes in QUEUE are visited one by one and stored in the QUEUE and VISITED as well. -When all children of a node is visited that node is removed from the QUEUE. -These steps are repeated till all nodes in QUEUE are exhausted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -VISITED array is required to check if a node is already in BFS sequence or not. -QUEUE array is important for ensuring that all nodes and edges are visited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sequence of nodes printed in every recursion is the BFS-SEQUENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ def ShowGraph(Adj_Dict: dict[int, list[int]])->None : #displays graph for i in Adj_Dict: print(i,"->",Adj_Dict[i]) return def Display_BFS(curr:int ,Adj_Dict: dict[int, list[int]]) -> None: # displays BFS sequence global rear global front print(curr,end=" ") if curr in Adj_Dict : if curr not in visited: visited.append(curr) queue.append(curr) rear+=1 for i in Adj_Dict[curr]: # iterate over all neighbours of curr if i not in visited: queue.append(i) visited.append(i) rear+=1 queue[front]=-1 # all nodes adjacent to curr are visited front+=1 if front==rear: # no new node to visit return else: Display_BFS(queue[front],Adj_Dict) # go to next node return #__main__ #Dry Run queue: list[int]=[]#: list[int]=[] #keeps order of BFS tree visited: list[int]=[] #: list[int]=[] #keeps visited node # front and rear for accessing queue front=0 rear=0 #g is an adjecency list in form of dictionary g={1:[2,4],2:[4,5],4:[7,5],5:[1,3,6],6:[3,8],8:[7]} # this is directed graph # for undirected graph each edge has to be given twice # Eg:- edge from 1-2 input as {1:[2]} print("Display Graph") ShowGraph(g) print("BFS Sequence") Display_BFS(1,g) #passing start node ''' --------------------------------- OUTPUT:- Display Graph 1 -> [2, 4] 2 -> [4, 5] 4 -> [7, 5] 5 -> [3, 1, 6] 6 -> [8, 3] 8 -> [7] BFS Sequence 1 2 4 5 7 3 6 8 ---------------------------------- TIME COMPLEXITY: -O(V+E) where V and E are number of vertices and edges in graph respectively. -For Adjecency List Only! ---------------------------------- '''