# Data Structures and Algorithm Data structure and Algorithm (DSA) ## Contribution Guidelines ### 1. Contribution Specifications The problem being contributed must either be a simple **file** (**Eg.** [`kruskal-algorithm.cpp`](https://github.com/MakeContributions/DSA/blob/main/graphs/c-or-cpp/kruskal-algorithm.cpp), [`linear-search.java`](https://github.com/MakeContributions/DSA/blob/main/searching/java/linear-search.java)) or a more complex **directory** ([`palindrome/`](https://github.com/MakeContributions/DSA/tree/main/strings/rust/palindrome)). This is a unit `problem`. The directory tree has the following convention of `category/language/problem`, where `category` is the topic or category of the problem being contributed (**Eg.** `strings`, `sorting`, `linked-lists` etc.), `language` represents the language code of the problem (**Eg.** `c-or-cpp` for C/C++, `python` for Python, `java` for Java etc.), and `problem` is a conforming name to the problem (**Eg.** `linear-search.cpp`, `palindrome`, `queue-linked-list.cpp` etc.) A unit `problem` must conform to the following specifications: - The name should be in lowercase. (**Eg.** `palindrome/`, `binary-search.cpp` etc.). - Each word must be separated by a **dash** or a **hyphen** (`-`). **If you have a problem that belongs to a new *topic* or *category* than one which are present:** 1. Create a new folder and an index for it inside (a readme, `README.md` file). 2. To each new index file, write the readme with your `problem` in it ([Markdown Documentation](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)). 3. The folder name can also only contain **lowercase characters** and **dashes** or **hyphens** (`-`) (Eg. `strings` `sorting` etc.) #### Simple (File) Contributions The file should conform to the `problem` specification, and the extension (**Eg.** `linear-search.java`, `kruskal-algorithm.cpp`, `count-inversions.js` etc.) #### Project/Folder-based Contributions The project and folder-based contributions have a bit more stricter contribution contribution specifications. The folder should conform to the `problem` specification, along with the following specifications **Folder Structure** ```bash problem-name\ | - .gitignore | - README.md | - Makefile # or the specific specification/requirements/configuration file | - src\ | - main.ext ``` #### `README.md` Specification / Template ```markdown # < description of the problem > ## Prerequisites - prerequisite library or package - [prerequisite library](https://www.example.com/link-to-official-library) ## Instructions - instructions to run the project - < Simple and reproducible commands to execute the project > ```bash make # or 'cargo run', or 'dotnet run' or 'mvn exec:java' etc. ``` ## Test Cases & Output < if exists> < If you can provide test cases, describe it here, else remove this section > ``` #### `.gitignore` File ```gitignore # add all output files and build files to be excluded from git tracking main # executable file also must have the project name target/ # the build file, for example for rust ``` #### Build File / Specification File / Configuration File It can be any of the following ones - **C/C++**: `Makefile` - **Python**: `requirements.txt` - **JavaScript**: `package.json` and `package-lock.json` - **Rust**: `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock` - **Go**: `go.mod` #### Source Code File The source code files, should either be in `src/` folder (**Eg.** `src/main.cpp` or `src/main.js`) or the root folder (**Eg.** `palindrome.go` or `App.java`) where `ext` is the file extension for the specific programming language. Again, the source codes must conform to a valid file structure convention that the programming language enforces. ### 2. Naming Convention The programming should keep the naming convention rule of each programming language. ### Other topic - [First-time contribution](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Contributors <a href="https://github.com/MakeContributions/DSA/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=MakeContributions/DSA" /> </a> ## Open Graph <img src="https://opengraph.github.com/3b128f0e88464a82a37f2daefd7d594c6f41a3c22b3bf94c0c030135039b5dd7/MakeContributions/DSA" /> ## License [MIT](./LICENSE)