/* Description: Program to print the first uppercase letter in a string Approach: Use a variable to iterate over the string Increment the iterator by 1 at every recursive call If the value of iterator reaches till the length of the string, return '\0 Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the length of the string */ #include using namespace std; //function starts char upper(string s, int i, int len) { //base case //if the value of i reaches till length of the string //that means we have not found any uppercase letter //return '\0 if (i == len) { return '\0'; } //if uppercase letter found //return it if (s[i] >= 'A' and s[i] <= 'Z') { return s[i]; } //recursive function call //the iterator i starts from 0 and increments by 1 at each function call return upper(s, i + 1, len); } //main starts int main() { string s = "helloalL"; int len = s.size(); char c = upper(s, 0, len); cout << c; return 0; } /* Sample Input: helloalL Output: L Sample Input: hELLOaLL Output: E */