# Palindrome A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sequence of words that reads the same backward as forward. Punctuation and spaces between the words or lettering is allowed. ## Steps ### Step 1 Reverse string. ### Step 2 Compare the reversed string to the original string, if they are equal this mean that string is palindrome. ## Example ### Single Word Palindromes - Civic - Level - Madam ### Multiple Word Palindromes - Don't nod. - I did, did I? - My gym ## Implementation - [C](../../../algorithms/C/strings/palindrome.c) - [C#](../../../algorithms/CSharp/src/Strings/palindrome.cs) - [Haskell](../../../algorithms/Haskell/strings/palindrome.hs) - [Java](../../../algorithms/Java/strings/palindrome.java) - [JavaScript](../../../algorithms/JavaScript/src/strings/palindrome.js) - [Python](../../../algorithms/Python/strings/palindrome.py) - [Rust](../../../algorithms/Rust/strings/palindrome/src/main.rs) ## Video URL [A coursera video explaining the palindrome Algorithm](https://www.coursera.org/lecture/program-code/palindrome-algorithm-1-zzQqs) ## Others Any other information is always welcome and should be included in this section.