import*; /* 1. You are given the code of our CustomStack class which mimics the java.util.Stack class. 2. Here is the list of functions that are written in the class... 2.1. push -> Accepts new data if there is space available in the underlying array or print "Stack overflow" otherwise 2.2. pop -> Removes and returns last data if available or print "Stack underflow" otherwise and returns -1 2.3. top -> Return last data if available or print "Stack underflow" otherwise and returns -1 2.4. size -> Returns the number of elements available in the stack 2.5. display -> Print the elements of stack in LIFO manner (space-separated) ending with a line-break. 3. Input and Output are managed for you. 4. You are required to change the body of push function to accept the element even when the data array is completely full. In that case, you are required to reallocate the data array (to twice it's size). You should not print "Stack overflow" ever. Sample Input 5 push 10 display push 20 display push 30 display push 40 display push 50 display push 60 display top pop display top pop display top pop display top pop display top pop display top pop quit Sample Output 10 20 10 30 20 10 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 60 50 40 30 20 10 60 60 50 40 30 20 10 50 50 40 30 20 10 40 40 30 20 10 30 30 20 10 20 20 10 10 10 */ public class DynamicStack { public static class CustomStack { int[] data; int tos; public CustomStack(int cap) { data = new int[cap]; tos = -1; } int size() { return tos + 1; } void display() { for (int i = tos; i >= 0; i--) { System.out.print(data[i] + " "); } System.out.println(); } // change the code of this function according to question void push(int val) { if (tos == data.length - 1) { int[] oa = data; data = new int[2*oa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oa.length; i++) { data[i] = oa[i]; } } tos++; data[tos] = val; } int pop() { if (tos == -1) { System.out.println("Stack underflow"); return -1; } else { int val = data[tos]; tos--; return val; } } int top() { if (tos == -1) { System.out.println("Stack underflow"); return -1; } else { return data[tos]; } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); CustomStack st = new CustomStack(n); String str = br.readLine(); while (str.equals("quit") == false) { if (str.startsWith("push")) { int val = Integer.parseInt(str.split(" ")[1]); st.push(val); } else if (str.startsWith("pop")) { int val = st.pop(); if (val != -1) { System.out.println(val); } } else if (str.startsWith("top")) { int val =; if (val != -1) { System.out.println(val); } } else if (str.startsWith("size")) { System.out.println(st.size()); } else if (str.startsWith("display")) { st.display(); } str = br.readLine(); } } }