//kadane's algorithim is used to find out the max sum in the array // contiguos sum,this technique takes O(n)time complexibility and 0(1) space complexibility #include using namespace std; //kadane's algorithim int kadaneAlgo(int *arr,int size){ int max_end_here=0; int best_so_far=0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (arr[i]>0) //checking the element is positive or not { max_end_here +=arr[i]; //if positive add to max_end_till_now if (max_end_here>best_so_far) //if till_now_max is greater than best_max then assign that value to best_so_far { best_so_far=max_end_here; } } else {max_end_here=0; } //if the no. is negative then assign 0 to max_end } return best_so_far; //returning the max sum }//kadane ensds int main(){ int n; //no. of elements in the array cin>>n; int *p=NULL; p = new int [n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin>>p[i]; }//for loop ends to take the array elements //kadane's algorithim cout<