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===medium ask===
**Sam Hedemann: Letter of recommendation? 
Hi Sam! 
I am applying for a fellowship with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and they require two letters of recommendation. I was hoping to take you up on that letter of recommendation if you would be willing to perhaps write a letter of recommendation advocating for me especially being someone who helped me so much in encouraging the quantum computing club and with your powerful lectures. 
Out of all professors at NYIT, it was definitely you that helped keep me going in my passion for learning more about quantum technology & even though weve never met in person the impact youve made in my life is quite profound. Once again, I just want to thank you a bunch for that in itself. 
and getting the quality education that I hope to soon accomplish this coming fall. 
For the process for this application, I just have to write in your email and they will email you a link to submit the letter of recommendation to so that it stays confidential.
==easy ask===
**Jim: Letter of recommendation?** 
Hi Jim! 
I am applying for a fellowship with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for grad students and they require two letters of recommendation. You were the first person I thought of & I was hoping if you would be willing to perhaps write a letter of recommendation advocating for me especially being interdisciplinary studies & perhaps talking about our time in Puerto Rico? 
For the process for this recommendation, it's due in October & I would just have to write in your email so that they'll send you a link. 
If you don't have time this upcoming busy semester I would totally understand that as well since it is a very rushing time due to the start of the semester. 
In any case, I hope you had a good summer and I can't wait to hear more updates on the Puerto Rico Storm Station project if that is still going to be continuing on this semester.   Out of all professors at NYIT, you've definitely pushed me to succeed so I will always be grateful for that. I hope I can continue learning from you for the rest of my time at NYIT too!! (I still have this last fall semester left & im doing hybrid undergrad/grad hopefully just the year for the master's degree) 
Unfortunately I still have to attend campus for 2 classes this semester so I'll be around for any updates. 
Enjoy the weekend & the rest of summer!
Shwetha Jayaraj 
(Also I am sort of new at asking for recommendations so if there's a better way of asking or if there's anything else I should include, I'm definitely open to any advice! )
===stretch ask===
**Prof Izady : Possible letter of recommendation? 
Hello Professor Izady! 
You may not remember me but I was in your PSCI 355 class on Government & Business with Azaan & Ammar in that intimate three person lecture around this time of fall last year which was my first semester actually transferred in there. 
I am applying for a fellowship with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and they require two letters of recommendation. 
My major at NYIT is Interdisciplinary Studies in Computer Science, Social Science, & Technology. The word technology is quite broad but your class fulfilled & even more enlightened me on many aspects of the social science part of my major by studying the relationship between government & business.So I was hoping if would write a quick letter of recommendation to the advocating me for the Graduate Research Fellowship due later on in October. 
While I was admittedly late in handing in my papers I loved your class & it today is still one of my top favorite classes Ive taken. The fact that we even got to go to the United Nations embassy was incredibly exciting as well & was an experience unlike any other Ive had.  Understandably it is seeming to be a strange & busy semester coming up so I would understand if you arent able to do so as well. I figured it would be worth the try in asking though & if not I hope to see you around as well! (Unfortunately I will be returning on-campus for 2 electrical labs I have).