Notepad/enter/Machine Tips (Quantum)/Project Vault/Quantum Master's Paper/References & Papers/Research Rubiks

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2023-07-05 18:29:11 +00:00
## Quantum Version of a Rubiks Cube
##### Description:
[description from UColorado](
- Most people have tried to solve Rubiks cube. In this project we will examine what happens if the colored faces of the cube get replaced with colored quantum particles. If the colored quantum particles are Bosons (particles that stay the same when you swap their positions) then solving the quantum cube will be identical to the procedure used in the Rubiks cube. However, if the colored faces are replaced with quantum particles known as Fermions (particles that change when you swap them) then solving a quantum cube is completely different to solving the regular Rubiks cube.  
- Some knowledge of group theory and or linear algebra is desirable for this project. Knowledge of quantum theory would be nice but not necessary.
- Keep one question in your mind: how can we know/ evaluate whether one operation is good or bad? This can help us define the cost function ([Loss function - Wikipedia](, which is the key to solving the question. -Yusui Chen
### Algorithms
- algorithms to solve a rubik's cube:
- A [GeeksforGeeks](**Keep one question in your mind: how can we know/ evaluate whether one operation is good or bad? This can help us define the cost function ([Loss function - Wikipedia](, explaining rubik's cube- from Yusui Chen
- Another [GeeksforGeeks]( on Rubik's solvers
- this discusses pytwisty
- with BFS & Korf's algorithm
## Code it!
- a helpful[ youtube tutorial ]( creating a Rubik's cube!
- An [HTML color picker]( or the ColorZilla chrome extension
- Bryan made a [spreadsheet]( mapping states with color
- [Ursina]( is the game engine that is being used.
- here is the resulting rubiks cube animation [video](
- ![[Pasted image 20221228020457.png]]
- ![[Pasted image 20221228020507.png]]
- ![[Pasted image 20221228020518.png]]
The code was the following:
More News:
- AI not efficient at rubik's cube [article](
- A [blog]( on the rubik's cube & and the god algorithm
- "*The Rubik's cube allows researchers from different disciplines to compare their methods on a single, well-known problem.*"
- a changing sticker face purchase found [here](
- and the youtube video [demonstrating]( it.
- a gobbledygook [github]( of a qisket rubiks cube. low value
- In contrast, a high value quantum[ stack exchange]( question.
- Rubik's cube & state preparation - via [Classiq](
- A quora [explanation]( on the rubik's cube