2023-09-01 11:51:01 +00:00
# Neopets
Ah, [neopets.com ](https://www.neopets.com/home/ ). The game of my youth. I spent so many hours, days, weeks, & years into this game. Now that I finally have my account back after so many years, the nostalgia is overwhelming. It truly was an excellent website. I never really got into club penguin or the other ones, but for me it was definitely Neopets.
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#### Other links:
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- Making those [cute linked buttons ](https://www.sketchedneo.com/button-maker/ ) at the end of websites
- Other [neopets site customization ](https://www.sketchedneo.com/neopets-graphics/ ) freebies
- Neopets-dedicated websites
- J[ellyNeo.net](https://www.jellyneo.net)
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- [MetaNeo ](https://www.metaneo.net ) (in French)
- [SketchedNeo ](https://www.sketchedneo.com )
- [The Daily Neopets ](https://thedailyneopets.com )
- [CastleNeo ](https://www.castleneo.com ) (in Spanish)
- [RoyalNeo ](http://www.royalneo.com )
2023-09-11 16:42:21 +00:00
- [MagnetismoTimes ](https://magnetismotimes.com ) (in Portugese)
### Neopet Lookup Pages:
The wall of fame of respected neopets users:
- [Madi ](https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=madiwoo ) who creates custom lookup pages
### Events:
- 09.09.2023 - Treyshia transitions into a male
- ![[Pasted image 20230909180354.png]]
- He loves it and has never felt more comfortable in his Skin! Now goes by Trey instead of Treyshia