Don't like how this one is set up or how it explains things? Don't worry, it's not you, it's me. While I get this site set up, you can check out these additional educational platforms to learn from there as well. The more methods to learn, the better.
- Check out [quantum games.](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2C%20Orgs%2C%20%26%20Apps%2FApplications%2FMore%20specifically%2FGames!!%2FPLAY%20GAMES%20-%20Finally%20the%20fun%20part)
- Ethan Hansen's podcast
- beginner-friendly from the view of an explorer himself
- Post-Quantum
- geared toward industry and companies
Student groups & communities:
- this [MIT Medium collection]( of student work in quantum.