- [Racket ]( https://matt.might.net/articles/i-love-you-in-racket/ )From Matt Might's Blog
- [Scheme VM](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FMy%20Quantum%20Work%2F%3CPROGRAMMING%202023%3E) from Programming 2023
- [Lisp in Quantum ](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FCode%20%26%20Circuit%20Operations%2FLanguages%2FLISP%2FLisp%20in%20Quantum)
It has been nearly 10 years since I started learning Lisp (or Scheme anyways). And I am still no better of a programmer for it...
### The GDrive Screenshot from my freshman year...
![[Pasted image 20230828113948.png]]
But I'd like to think I understand a few theoretical concepts here and there about computation.
If there is a time where I ever need it again, just know that [my notes are still all in this one folder.](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxMZdMQnh633TTd6QVBldmZQUzg?resourcekey=0-dRn-WOkAiiZmWhmxKh55SA&usp=drive_link)