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[Group Slack ](
- Jamie as a mentor for haqathon
- Presentations begin
- John and Maryanna from NYU and SandboxAQ
- **SEEQC** presents quantum microprocessor talk
- classically - bell labs
- vacuum tubes to the first tunneling transistors
- the nvidia grace hopper chip
- classical systems quantum systems in cold environemnts
- Software & firmware to include
- SFQ Pulses
- ![[Pasted image 20230930133113.png]]
- All quantum modalities are included
- SEEQC- red
- that runs as a benchmark to compare these incumbent systems
- the next level is SEEQC orange
- The implementation of the chip
- superconducting chips
- theexsmple of google sycamore and th architecture is a long process
- it has to be t
- analog microwave pulse at room temperature that has to go all the way back to
- the signal from your qubit
- you read it
- translated it amplified
- generated a control pulse and
- everyone one of those cables is $2000-4000
- you have to be
- the integration between the
- NVidia is the room temperature GPU -
- there will be asked on each stage - the error corretion question
- SEEQC thinks that quantum error correction needs to be parsed
- riverlane error correction schemes that should be implemented - build a platform that can support different kinds of error correction tradeoffs
- the chip is not based on transistors - operate on CMOS circuits and dissipate too much heat
- josephson junctions are being used niobium nitrate
- the standard configuration is 5 qubits
- because of multiplexing we dont need control and readout for each indiviudal qubit
- they can do control and readout of 15 qubit
- transmons are being used
- Heisenberg simulations the
- building students in to work in the foundry
- connect with the foundry for testing
- CMOS architectures
- power is the enemy of your qubits
- power is heat and heat dissipates them
- the active QPU and
#### **Student Presentations:**
###### Student Project 1 - Team 6
Cloud Seeding
- machine learning + quantum computing
- pennylane tensorflwo
- multiplayer perceptron
- quantum entangled
- cloud seeding
- future environmentalists can use this
- 98% accuracy
- very slow
- quantum computing into machine learning
###### Student 2: Paqman - bin packing problem
###### Student group 3 - QuiQ
###### Student 4 - UN Sustainability - GMOs
- protein folding ws discusse d
- **quibila** - scipy using the classical optimizer of vqe