14 lines
903 B
14 lines
903 B
This is the higher end of the[ R4 Minima](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Arduino%20r4%20Minima) with bluetooth and wifi included with the board as well as other connectors which simplify some of the build time.
![[Pasted image 20230810210621.png]]
[Specs & Pricing page. ](https://store-usa.arduino.cc/products/uno-r4-wifi?selectedStore=us)
Ideally this would be good to optimize for the typewriter project getting rid of the need to use a pi entirely! Potentially..
![[Pasted image 20230810210631.png]]
It is also [Arduino Cloud IoT ](https://cloud.arduino.cc)Compatible as well!
Here is the[ full documentation](https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/uno-r4-wifi) for setup. This is the [review via Makezine ](https://makezine.com/products/boards/arduino-uno-r4-wifi/?vgo_ee=lNv66d2hqzRzGk6KX5%2Bwm2XZe88MO0Ty2DecqZFQTF6IJWsaVppDsXc%3D%3A8a4ccHbKPtc%2F3ywjdii0%2BJkWW3N6DwEj)which inspired this.