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# Running List of References
Product Reliability Solutions Engineer
**Tasks and duties**
Liaising with clients and technical and sales teams to determine requirements and solutions. Brainstorming with Software Developers and Engineers to find solutions to problems. Determining the optimal and most cost-effective solutions. Presenting solutions to clients and stakeholders.
“"Solutions Engineers work closely with clients and partners to understand real world problems and solve them with code. They build and architect solutions that address these business challenges through technology.”
A solutions engineer provides solutions to network problems. It's a highly technical position that often involves acting as a software developer to see development lifecycles through. As a solutions engineer, you cx mmmusually work as part of a team to provide support for both the business and customers.
Take your software engineering management introduction material and use that as a reference to answer problems just as efficiently as possible quite honestly. Palantir is sort of an evil company you arent losing out on anything if you don't work for them anyways.
You have 60 minutes to read about a Palantir System and recommend how you'd approach troubleshooting a complaint from users. All of the information you need to know about (1) the original complaint and (2) the Palantir System is provided, but it is not essential to be familiar with all of the terminology used in the multiple choice questions. We recommend making sure you have reference materials available before starting this exercise as some of the words/concepts/tools might be new to you and will require some research. However you are not allowed to copy/paste any solutions you may find (including from websites, books, or friends and colleagues) to complete this assessment; all solutions must be your own. Use your reference materials and the information provided to determine the best way to investigate our Forward Deployed Engineer's product issue (it's what we do every day!).
Good luck!
## Tips from Rachel the recruiter :
- Not a coding challenger, this is more of Troubleshooting assessment
- The only part of coding is a page of code to review, find the main bugs in application
- Trying to identify where is the code broken
- How is this affecting the software/service
- How to resolving the issue at hand
- The first 4 questions → multiple choice
- Giving metrics - a scenario
- Choose the best answer possible
- Manager said only one true answer - what is likely to happen
- Questions 5 and 6 - system graphs questions
- Something someone told her a customer experiencing slowness in an app
- Services that the app does - asks what modules does this app do
- They’ll give you technical data and metrics to identify the exact issue based on the technical data given
- Troubleshooting, debugging, more on the strategic side
- Find where is it broke
- How is it affecting the service, how would I go about solving this ?
- They're looking for you to list your process
- They want you to pretend as if you are already in the role
- Documenting your process is key

