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### Week 3: Coding in HTML! Let's make a Website
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Greetings from Developer land. Last week we learned what real programmers use to upload their code for others to collaborate.
Today we are going to start programming!
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### Building Blocks of a Website
<img src="Pasted image 20231010141612.png" alt="" style="object-fit: scale-down">
- HTML - the content and "bones" of a website
- CSS - the decorations, here we can add fancy decorations
- Javascript - animations can be added here
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## Step 1. Open TextEdit
Believe it or not this is all we need to actually start coding (who needs Github anyways)
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## Step 2. HTML Building blocks
Making the structure
There are 3 parts that tie into basic HTML structure. Think of these as the “building blocks” of a web page:
1. HTML version declaration
2. Heading(s)
3. Body
Let's start with #1.
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### HTML version declaration
Every website starts with this line of code for HTML
Start by typing this line in your program
<!DOCTYPE html>
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### Next is the Header!
<!DOCTYPE html>
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### Next is the Body!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> This is the tile of my site!
& This is where the text of a website goes
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## Save this file as hello.html file
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function extend() {
var target = {};
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for (var key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
function isLight(color) {
let hex = color.replace('#', '');
// convert #fff => #ffffff
if(hex.length == 3){
hex = `${hex[0]}${hex[0]}${hex[1]}${hex[1]}${hex[2]}${hex[2]}`;
const c_r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
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const c_b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);
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return brightness > 155;
var bgColor = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--r-background-color').trim();
var isLight = isLight(bgColor);
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