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# Zsh
Zsh is a bit trendier nowadays and it is the current shell of choice for my system now. So, having tips of navigation here is a bit important.
To check which shell you are using:
echo $SHELL
- Oh-my-zsh is a very popular customization tool to [pimp](https://stackabuse.com/pimp-my-terminal-an-introduction-to-oh-my-zsh/) out your terminal
cool terminal [customizations](https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/themes) with [oh my posh ](https://ohmyposh.dev/)
- ![[Pasted image 20230724024452.png]]
- [Zap](https://www.zapzsh.org) is another little zsh plugin manager
- For scripting tests, try out [zunit](https://zunit.xyz/docs/usage/running-tests/)
- ![[Pasted image 20230901141639.png]]
Switch to `zsh`:
exec zsh
This won't affect new terminal windows or anything, but it's convenient.