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- What is Software?
- A program, or bunch of nicely-packaged terminal commands and code to be run on your operating system shell of choice (aka your computer).
- typically retrieved from the Internet
- we take it for granted today but software really didn't exist a hundred years ago at all.
- What is a Repository?
- a location either physically or virtually where software is [hosted](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FShells%2FInternet%2FHosting%2FOn%20Hosts) to be referenced from in the future
##### A Repository of software repositories
Here is a list of repos
- [Github](https://github.com/) is the most popular one to rip things off of - owned by Microsoft
- [githubplus](https://githubplus.com/) makes things even [easier](https://www.ghacks.net/2016/08/22/github-plus-easier-github-downloading/)
- it is also easy to just host websites through [GithubPages](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FComputers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBrowser%2FHosting%2FGithub%20Pages)
- [freesoft.dev](https://freesoft.dev/) also has tons of repos
- [GraphLab](https://freesoft.dev/program/68400869) - a cool visualizer showing different graph algorithms
- [Gitlab](https://about.gitlab.com/) is another one to look through
- more documentation on that [here](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FComputers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBrowser%2FTools%2FGitlab)
- [Replit](https://replit.com/) may also have several softwares - more collaborative
- [About replit ](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FComputers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBrowser%2FTools%2FReplit%2FAbout%20Replit)
- [Bit Bucket ](https://bitbucket.org/)is another place software is hosted
- useful with Jira integration
- [GitTea](**[https://gitea.com/shway](https://gitea.com/shway)**) is a new open-source, community driven platform. And seems to be all around better in terms of independence from other git hosting solutions. Will have to test it out and see.
- Setting GitTea up [on Windows ](https://blog.inedo.com/self-hosted/gitea/#:~:text=Gitea%20will%20run%20on%20all,client%20tools%20on%20the%20server.)
- For more information, check out the Git Tea notes.
![[Pasted image 20230517160012.png]]
## Even more repos found along the way
Just because there are a lot of interesting things you'll find in each library!
- [dagshub](https://dagshub.com/) - repos and more
- [huggingface](https://huggingface.co/) - AI/ML repos galore
- [Frog git](https://git.froggi.es/) - lol silly git repo , ribbit
- interesting thing on textures found on frog git - [disney renders](https://git.froggi.es/Springbloggy/americandogpdfs/src/branch/main/f5a0466791e341d1d18088358152699cf663.pdf)
- [animee game launchr](https://github.com/an-anime-team/an-anime-game-launcher)
- [uWeb](https://git.froggi.es/jamesfengcao/uweb) - browser for geeks
#### Keys - because I always forget:
This should really be configured into some kind of script already, but since I haven't done that yet here is a reminder that for every repository I make, *I must have a key into that repository so that I can git push it via my personal terminal*.
This is best practice when it comes to security so have this be second-nature. Scripts only serves as a time benefit after understanding.
To do so:
1. Make the new ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/gitname
2. Edit the .ssh config file
3. Other things