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2024-09-30 20:17:21 +00:00
- Table Display --> Nonprofit Booth
- Project Title: Hack Manhattan
- Private Description
- For the Maker Faire team, explain what your project/presentation is and describe what you will actually be bringing to Maker Faire. This information will not be made public. Be as descriptive as possible.
- Hack Manhattan will be presenting an array of various member projects designed & created at Hack Manhattan. This includes
- DIY Pixel Perler Bead art,
-Hack Manhattan's Amateur Radio Club, K2HMH, equipment and educational materials,
-a custom designed retro game console known as the Game Tank along with custom game cartridges for the Game Tank with 2 player 3d printed controllers.
-a Lock-picking workshop,
-niche retro Mac batteries
-samples of various 3D printed items printed at Hack this year
-Hacking Japanese phones cryptography outlines,
-Hack Manhattan shirts designed with our vinyl cutter/heatpress
-typewriters, board games, and more.
- Public Description
- Hack Manhattan is a non-profit, all-volunteer hackerspace in New York City. We welcome anyone interested in art, craft, & technology whether youre interested in electronics or gardening, textiles or 3D printing to make & be part of the community.
- Hack Manhattan is a non-profit, all-volunteer hackerspace in New York City. At Makerfaire 2024 this year we will be showcasing projects created by our members including the Game Tank, a custom retro game console, along with custom game cartridges for the Game Tank, niche retro Mac batteries, lock picking workshop, Pixel Perler Bead Art workshop, 3D printed crafts printed at Hack Manhattan this year, Hack Manhattan's Amateur Radio Club K2HMH, typewriters, & hacking Japanese phones cryptography demo, shirts designed with our vinyl cutter/heatpress, board games, typewriters, & more.
- Our space on 37th St in Manhattan is a place for people to come together and socialize, work on projects, and share knowledge. We welcome anyone interested in art, craft, and technology whether youre interested in electronics or gardening, textiles or 3D printing, we invite you to come, work, and be part of the community.