Of course the terminal that I have been using and continue to use is the just the tool called **Terminal** on MacOS. However, there are numerous terminal emulators to make your terminal environment a better place to live in. This sometimes enters a place of particularities and nit-picky minutia as it is really up to your own preference what you go with. --- There are many terminal emulators that exist to try to replace the good ol' classic terminal. Just to keep things spicy, here are the other options: - The Terminal - iTerm - iTerm2 - Alacritty - written in rust - [Kitty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitty_(terminal_emulator)) - Westerm - [Foot](https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot) - iTerm2 - a very popular alt terminal with customizations - Alacritty - a nice terminal emulator that I installed - [git repo here ](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty) - Hyper # Terminal Emulators: To see your configurations set on default Terminal (for MacOS): ``` defaults read com.apple.Terminal ``` Ah! [Quick](https://github.com/svenstaro/genact)!! [ACT BUSY! ](https://svenstaro.github.io/genact/)