There are so many things to do through the command line in your terminal! Here are a list of packages or tools that I already have or want to later try out for me to come back to. ##### Currently: --- - [VHS](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FCLI%20Tool%20Collection%2FVHS) - cute gifs generated while typing in terminal - additionally there is also `asciinema rec` - [Figlet](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FComputers%2FComputer%20Realm%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FASCII) - create large text headers within terminal - can be additionally used with `toilet` - [Vim](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FComputers%2FComputer%20Realm%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FVim%2FVim) - my default command-line editor of choice - [Wikit](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FComputers%2FComputer%20Realm%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2Fpackage%20managers%2FFink) - wikipedia search anything within terminal #### Later: --- - [Typer]( - a typing test in your terminal - ![[Pasted image 20230626195256.png]] - [Bubble Tea]( - a powerful TUI framework - [Watchman]( - watches files & records/triggers actions when they change - [ChezMoi]( - manage your dot files across different devices! - see [how it compares]( with other dot files solutions. - a video on [dot files!]( - here is the [git repo ]( - Kava - visualizer for music in your terminal --- Via this [blog]( table of content with tl;dr summaries: - [fish shell]( - easy to use, beginner-friendly shell - [starship]( - a great prompt that requires no setup - [z]( - quickly jump around your filesystem - [fzf]( - general-purpose fuzzy search - [fd]( - like `find` but better - [ripgrep]( - like `grep` but better - [htop and glances]( - system monitoring tools - [virtualenv and virtualfish]( - Python virtual environment management - [pyenv, nodenv, and rbenv]( - manage different versions of Python, Node, and Ruby - [pipx]( - install Python packages in isolated environments - [ctop and lazydocker]( - monitoring tools for Docker - [colordiff and diff-so-fancy]( - like `diff` but with colors - [tree]( - for presenting the content of a folder - [bat]( - like `cat` but better - [httpie]( - like `curl` but better - [tldr]( - simplified "man pages" - [exa]( - like `ls` but better - [litecli and pgcli]( - like `sqlite3` and `psql` but better - [mas]( - CLI interface for App Store - [ncdu]( - disk usage analyzer