IP  (Internet Protocol) Address can be thought of as the home address of a user on the internet. There is IPv4 which is more common and IPv6 which launched afterward  in 1999 and uses 128 bit hexidecimal address. For some reason, people still stick with IPv4 more. 

*A list  of IP addresses that have been brute-force attacking me*: 
- - [china](https://www.whois.com/whois/

You can view the  full list of protocols and not just IP addresses [here](https://www.iana.org/protocols). Some of them include the following protocols: 
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- MRT (Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit)
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)
- SAM (Scalable Adaptive Multicast)
- SSH (Secure Shell)
	- Public Key Algorithm Names
	- MAC Address Algorithm Names
- SenML (Sensor Measurement Lists)
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- TSP (Tunnel Setup Protocol)

**For MacOS/Linux:**

Obtain your public IP address from an external source in the terminal via: 
curl ifconfig.me

To  display all network configuration including IP in terminal, run: 

According to the official icann: 
Q7: **OK, maybe you aren't attacking me. What can I do about the messages in my logs?**
> A7: The best way solve this problem is to set up DNS on your local network.

--> refer to DNS Address or [Domain Name Servers](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCommands%20%2B%20Settings%2FInternet%2FHosting%2FBrowser%20talk%2FDNS)
