KDE is a linux environment with so many applications. For example: - [Tellico](https://tellico-project.org/) - Collection Management for everything that you do and collect from books to movies to video games and more: - ![[Pasted image 20230716195921.png]] - [AudioTube](https://apps.kde.org/audiotube/) - Youtube Music app for KDE - ![[Pasted image 20230716200157.png]] - [PlasmaTube](https://apps.kde.org/plasmatube/) - Youtube for KDE - ![[Pasted image 20230716200213.png]] - [AngelFish](https://apps.kde.org/angelfish/) Mobile & Web Browser - [KStars](https://apps.kde.org/kstars/) a Web Planetarium!! - ![[Pasted image 20230716200429.png]] - [Spacebar](https://apps.kde.org/spacebar/) - SMS/MMS messaging client. It allows you to send text messages, pictures and other files over a cellular network. - [Neochat](https://apps.kde.org/neochat/)