Here are a list of really great math software to use as you will need to use them in your continued math journey into quantum computation. - [Cantor]( - the KDE based mathematical front-end to render your calculations! - ![input text]( - [WolframAlpha]( - a classic math software - [OmniCalculator]( - quite literally all the calculators for all the [calculations]( you'll ever need! - [CindyJS]( aims to create easy physics and math simulations - [example presentation]( - [CGAL]( - a C++ geometric algorithms framework - Math and [Music]( - [SAGE]( Math - a free [open-source]( mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: [NumPy](, [SciPy](, [matplotlib](, [Sympy](, [Maxima](, [GAP](, [FLINT](, [R]( [and many more]( Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers. - [SageCell](