Resources: - Follow the instructions [here]( and document as you go: - on [Cron]( - *UPDATE*: crontab is deprecated for MacOS so the sync option given will not work. - the best next alternative is then to use [launchd](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FShells%2FComputers%20(operating%20system)%2FApple%20Macbook%2FLaunchd) or keyboard scheduler as described through this youtube video. - Refer back to [plists](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FMac%20OS%20X%2FBBEdit%2Fplist) for a better understanding of implementation and usage. - apparently the extension [Obsidian-Git]( already does this in an easier way now - So this is how you [push it to your gitlab]( - Refer to the [Git page](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Coding%20Tips%2FComputers%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FGit) on here for more shortcuts. - This page exists now showing o[ne way to setup gitea with Obsidian]( --- #### Syncing my Obsidian: The Steps I took My Obsidian files are all stored within Google Drive. So in order to maintain sync while still preserving cloud storage space, I used a few different steps than the guides, and well really it was a culmination of it all. #### OLD METHOD: Making a Repo in GDrive 1. **Find your Google Drive location and copy the directory path. ``` pwd | pbcopy ``` 2. Go to your **local** projects folder and `git init` there locally. ``` mkdir gitlab_sync cd gitlab_sync git init git branch -m main #renamed branch to main insted of master #less typing xD ``` 3. Then create a bare clone copy into your copied google drive location. ``` git clone --bare . ~user/Google\ Drive/My\ Drive/folder/location.git ``` 4. Then go ahead and make a new remote using this git path inside your local directory. ``` git remote add NameOfRemote ~user/Google\ Drive/My\ Drive/folder/location.git ``` 5. Make some changes to your git repository by adding files and commit those changes. ``` **git** add **git** commit -m 'Initial sync version' ``` 6. Then I pushed the changes to the remote google drive location. ``` git push -u origin main ``` ##### Pushing to Gitlab 7. Next, I added the (SSH) remote of the gitlab server to upload to as well. ``` git remote add NameofRemote ``` 8. I then created another branch for the upload sync to take place. ``` git branch AnotherBranch git checkout AnotherBranch #switch into it ``` 9. 10. Then follow the instructions [outlined on this article]( Basically you then create a git clone of it in your new directory by `git clone --bare . PATH_TO_GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_FOLDER/ANY_SUBFOLDER_PATH/PROJECT_NAME.git` 11. Then do a git remote by `git remote add REMOTE_NAME PATH_TO_GOOGLE_DRIVE_SYNC_FOLDER/ANY_SUBFOLDER_PATH/PROJECT_NAME.git` 12. Add files to stage for commit and commit a message. ``` git add . git commit -m "an update message here" ``` 13. Lastly, push the changes onto your quantum programming repo. ``` git push -u origin main ``` Voila! You should see the changes now [over here]( Or wherever you decided to set up host the git remote server on. ### CURRENT METHOD: Syncing via Gitea Server This can be done locally or via Google Drive. However, I will be using Linode to host Gitea to host my obsidian and all my repos locally. Go to the folder on your laptop that you'd like to start the git syncing your Obsidian Vault at and run: ##### 1. **Setting Up Git repo on your local machine.** ``` git init ``` This sets up the git process. Next you have to clone the existing repository and pull . ``` git clone http:/giteaurlhere.git ``` And then pull the existing information from the repo. ``` git pull git add . git commit -m "some message" git push -u origin main ``` ##### 2. Opening Your Vault in that location Then Open Your Obsidian Vault there. You are now ready to have your changes synced from Obsidian to Git. ``` git add . git commit -m "Updated: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`" git push -u origin main --force ``` Push your changes once more after you have opened your vault there. Every time you open your git now: ``` git pull #make sure you do this to sync your changes git add . git commit -m "Updated: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`" git push -u origin main ``` ##### 3. Syncing Your Vault to Push every few minutes So this is all great and all, you can now push and pull to a remote server that you own! However, it is a bit annoying to have to do the same terminal commands of git pull, add, commit, push, blah blah dsjkhfalfhk. It can get repetitive. So what do we do? We make a script that can take care of this automatically for us. ###### *For Linux:* Sync the Obsidian vault very few minutes with this script via `cron`: ```shell #!/usr/bin/env sh # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This says find the first instance of a sh (shell) # binary and use that shell to execute these commands. # There is little to no complexity here and no bashisms so it # should work just fine on most systems and instances of shells # (bash, zsh, sh, etc.) ZK_PATH="PATH TO YOUR VAULT" # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We are assigning the variable `ZK_PATH` # with the (maybe) long string to our vault's location (mine is super # long so this makes the final command look cleaner, # it's unnecessary if you care) cd "$ZK_PATH" # ^^^^^^^^^^^ cd: Change Directory to your vault's location git pull # ^^^^^^ So if any changes occurred remotely or on another machine # your local machine knows to pull those changes down instead of # having to wait for a local change to run the script CHANGES_EXIST="$(git status --porcelain | wc -l)" # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we are assigning # a value to the variable `CHANGES_EXIST`, the value is the output # of `git add --porcelain` which outputs a simple list of just the # changed files and then the output is piped into the `wc` utility # which is "word count" but with the `-l` flag it will count lines. # basically, it says how many total files have been modified. # if there are no changes the output is 0 if [ "$CHANGES_EXIST" -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 fi # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The whole if block is saying # in plain english: if there are no changes (CHANGES_EXIST = 0) # then exit with no error code `exit 0` if there are changes, # then continue on with the script git pull # ^^^^^^ git pull: this will look at your repo and say "any changes?" # if there are they will be brought down and applied to your local machine # In the context of a team environment, a more robust approach is needed # as this workflow doesnt factor in branches, merge conflicts, etc # but if you leave your home machine, do work on the work machine, # push to the remote repo before you return to the home machine, then # you can just get the latest changes applied to the home machine and # continue on like normal git add . # ^^^^^^^ git add. = add all current changes in the repo no # matter the level of nested folders/files git commit -q -m "Last Sync: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # git commit -q -m: this says we are committing changes to # our repo, -q says BE QUIET no output prints to terminal # if ran manually, -m defines a message for the commit log # the -m message is "Last Sync: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" this # runs the command date with the formatting arguments for a # date in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format as your commit message git push -q # ^^^^^^^^^ git push -q: push the changes to github and # BE QUIET about it The semicolons between commands are # just saying run each command and then run the subsequent # command, they're just separators  Save ``` --- ###### *For Mac:* Sync Obsidian vault via `launchd` by writing a plist script: 1. We will be using launnchd. Check your list of services by: ``` sudo launctl list ``` ![[Pasted image 20230714193655.png]] It sort of looks like that!^ So the goal here is to put a launchd .plist into that so that your Mac knows to trigger a LaunchDaemon upon a certain trigger. 2. First, however we need to make a bash script that does that syncing itself. This can be done by navigating to `~/.local/bin` and create a shell script by: ``` touch zk_sync chmod +x zk_sync ``` *Separately:* Also make sure to copy the absolute path of your vault as that will be the environment variable that you will input into `ZK_PATH` to ensure that it still works. You can obtain the path by: ``` > pwd #output > /Users/shwethajayaraj/Google Drive/My Drive/RESOURCES (Research - my notebook)/collabtestdir/Notepad ``` If there are spaces in your working directory just make sure that you put in wrapped double quotation marks. 3. What are the actual contents of the shell script though that have to be done?? Well, go ahead and `vim` into the `zk_sync` file and paste the following in: ```sh #!/usr/bin/env sh ZK_PATH=”/Volumes/GoogleDrive-117209510583853875316/My Drive/RESOURCES (Research - my notebook)/collabtestdir/Notepad" cd “$ZK_PATH” git pull CHANGES_EXIST=”$(git status — porcelain | wc -l)” current="`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`" msg="Updated: $current" if [ “$CHANGES_EXIST” -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 fi git add .; git commit -q -m "$msg"; # Updated: 2019-08-28 10:22:06 git push -q ``` If the above script does not work, attempt this shell as well: ```sh #!/bin/bash export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin gstatus='git status --porcelain' if [ ${#gstatus} -ne 0 ] then git add --all git commit -m "Automated sync: $gstatus" sleep 10 git pull --rebase sleep 10 git push fi ``` Attempt #3 (this one worked!!): ```shell #!/usr/bin/env sh export ZK_PATH=/Volumes/GoogleDrive-117209510583853875316/My\ Drive/Resources/collabtestdir/Notepad cd "$ZK_PATH" git fetch CHANGES_EXIST=$(git status — porcelain | wc -l) current="`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`" msg="Updated: $current" if [ “$CHANGES_EXIST” -eq 0 ];  then exit 0 fi git add --all;  git commit -q -m "$msg + $CHANGES_EXIST"; # Updated: 2019-08-28 10:22:06 + lines changes sleep 10 # for testing git pull # --rebase is the default sleep 10 # for testing git push -q ``` Run the script in the `/.local/bin` directory: ``` bash zk_sync ``` and your git should be updated with that one c 4. Now it is time to submit this to the `launchd` scheduler. Navigate to 5. --- - Lastly but not leastly, I stumbled upon Perlite in my search for obsidian sync. ![[Pasted image 20230206134648.png]] The sample view of Perlite extension. Another[ site that you can render ]( in: ![[Pasted image 20230714005144.png]]