# The Quantum Research Group

Originating from the Innovation Labs at New York Institute of Technology, a group of 4 qc-interested engineering & comp sci students sit down to found NYIT's very first quantum computing club in 2019. 

Desiring to expand their knowledge beyond the institution, The Quantum Research Group is a collective of students, professors, researchers, & industry experts across all disciplines in NYIT & New York City using an interdisciplinary lens to tackle the future's biggest & most exciting problems. This isn't just a computer science/engineering group, this is a group that needs everyone. 

And, indeed, everyone will need quantum computers. :) 

Come check us out! 

[NYC'S Research Collective for Quantum Computing](https://theqrg.org)

Read more here at [Quantum Papers](Quantum%20Papers.md) : 

Want to learn more > get to googling! Or read through our attempt to collect nearly every possible QC related resource searched by our very own corgie Queen. 

Who's our mascot? :  A corgi named Queen - a gender non-binary pup.



### Check out what’s coming up for NYIT Quantum Computing Club ~
[Quantum Papers](Quantum%20Papers.md)