# About Vim I was extremely surprised I didn't set up a note about my default and OG editor of choice, vim. It is what has helped long term become very fast at typing and in general for understanding the power of just using whatever editor you are most comfortable with at the end of the day. Vim is what I used when I was editing t things on a chromebook and it is still what I am using to this day. Interact with a Vim tutorial on [Open Vim](https://www.openvim.com). Or open up the vim `tutorial` - I currently use [Vim-plug.](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) --- There are many purposes to vim, you can use it for: - [typing up your math notes ](https://castel.dev/post/lecture-notes-1/)by incorporating vim with [LaTeX](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Quantum%20Realm%2FTools%2FLaTeX) - this [website](https://www.vim.so/#exercise) seems the easiest way to learn vim hands-on if you need a refresher - [here are more tutorials](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vim/index.htm) for reference, don't go to the site above - ooh you can even create actions through vim for functions called ["tags"](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vim/vim_using_vim_as_ide.htm) - Tricks and tips from and for vim users is posted on the [wiki](https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Vim_Tips_Wiki) - generate the config file for your vimrc for different languages no matter where you go [here](https://vim-bootstrap.com/#tagline) - Using vim-plug you could install [Vim-Wiki](https://vimwiki.github.io/) - a perhaps better documentation solution to obsidian... Find & Replace Text in Vim: ```vim :[range]s/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] ``` - What does each mean? - `[range]` indicates that you can pass the range of lines. Pass % to find and replace in all lines. The range is separated by a comma. To find and replace between lines 5 to 10, pass 5,10. Use `.` to represent the current line and `$` the last line of the file. - `{pattern}` indicates the pattern to find the text. You can pass regex patterns here. - `{string}` is the string to replace in the found text.   - `[flags]` indicates if you wish to pass any additional flags (for example, the flag `c` is passed to confirm before replacing the text). By default, this does a case-sensitive search. You can change it to do a case-insensitive search by passing a `i` flag. --- ## Copy, Cut and Paste in Normal Mode When you launch the Vim editor, you’re in the normal mode. In this mode, you can run Vim commands and navigate through the file. To go back to normal mode from any other mode, just press the `Esc` key. Vim has its own terminology for copying, cutting, and pasting. Copy is called yank (`y`), cut is called delete (`d`), and paste is called put (`p`). ### Copying (Yanking) To copy text, place the cursor in the desired location and press the `y` key followed by the movement command. Below are some helpful yanking commands: - `yy` - Yank (copy) the current line, including the newline character. - `3yy` - Yank (copy) three lines, starting from the line where the cursor is positioned. - `y$` - Yank (copy) everything from the cursor to the end of the line. - `y^` - Yank (copy) everything from the cursor to the start of the line. - `yw` - Yank (copy) to the start of the next word. - `yiw` – Yank (copy) the current word. - `y%` - Yank (copy) to the matching character. By default supported pairs are `()`, `{}`, and `[]`. Useful to copy text between matching brackets. ### Cutting (Deleting) In normal mode, `d` is the key for cutting (deleting) text. Move the cursor to the desired position and press the `d` key, followed by the movement command. Here are some helpful deleting commands: - `dd` - Delete (cut) the current line, including the newline character. - `3dd` - Delete (cut) three lines, starting from the line where the cursor is positioned, - `d$` - Delete (cut) everything from the cursor to the end of the line. The movement commands that apply for yanking are also valid for deleting. For example `dw`, deletes to the start of the next word, and `d^` deletes everything from the cursor to the start of the line. ### Pasting (Putting) To put the yanked or deleted text, move the cursor to the desired location and press `p` to put (paste) the text after the cursor or `P` to put (paste) before the cursor. ### How to Undo or Redo in Vim To undo a change in Vim, press `u` in command mode. To redo, press `CTRL + R`. You can prepend a number (n) with `u` to undo `n` times. for example, `2u` will undo 2 times. To list the available undo options, type `:undolist` in command mode. ## Vim vs NeoVim? There's a long history and different strains of Vim on the internet. One of the more popular alternatives seems to be NeoVim ![[Pasted image 20221208182151.png]] If you're comfortable using Vim, there may be no need to switch. --- ## Vim for different use-cases In fact, there is even a vim key-binding settings option here in Obsidian. - here is the docs for vim-go for the go language. ``` ############################################################################## # VIM CHEATSHEET # WEBSITE: http://www.vim.org/ # DOCUMENTATION: https://vim.sourceforge.io/docs.php ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # CURSOR MOVEMENTS ############################################################################## h move left j move down k move up l move right w jump by start of words (punctuation considered words) W jump by words (spaces separate words) e jump to end of words (punctuation considered words) E jump to end of words (no punctuation) b jump backward by words (punctuation considered words) B jump backward by words (no punctuation) ge jump backward to end of words 0 (zero) start of line ^ first non-blank character of line $ end of line - move line upwards, on the first non blank character + move line downwards, on the first non blank character move line downwards, on the first non blank character gg go to first line G go to last line ngg go to line n nG go To line n :n go To line n ) move the cursor forward to the next sentence. ( move the cursor backward by a sentence. { move the cursor a paragraph backwards } move the cursor a paragraph forwards ]] move the cursor a section forwards or to the next { [[ move the cursor a section backwards or the previous { CTRL-f move the cursor forward by a screen of text CTRL-b move the cursor backward by a screen of text CTRL-u move the cursor up by half a screen CTRL-d move the cursor down by half a screen H move the cursor to the top of the screen. M move the cursor to the middle of the screen. L move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. fx search line forward for 'x' Fx search line backward for 'x' tx search line forward before 'x' Tx search line backward before 'x' ############################################################################## # BOOKMARKS ############################################################################## :marks list all the current marks ma make a bookmark named a at the current cursor position `a go to position of bookmark a 'a go to the line with bookmark a `. go to the line that you last edited ############################################################################## # INSERT MODE ############################################################################## i start insert mode at cursor I insert at the beginning of the line a append after the cursor A append at the end of the line o open (append) blank line below current line O open blank line above current line Esc exit insert mode ############################################################################## # EDITING ############################################################################## r replace a single character (does not use insert mode) R enter Insert mode, replacing characters rather than inserting J join line below to the current one cc change (replace) an entire line cw change (replace) to the end of word C change (replace) to the end of line ct' change (replace) until the ' character (can change ' for any character) s delete character at cursor and substitute text S delete line at cursor and substitute text (same as cc) xp transpose two letters (delete and paste, technically) u undo CTRL-r redo . repeat last command ~ switch case g~iw switch case of current word gUiw make current word uppercase guiw make current word lowercase gU$ make uppercase until end of line gu$ make lowercase until end of line >> indent line one column to right << indent line one column to left == auto-indent current line ddp swap current line with next ddkp swap current line with previous :%retab fix spaces / tabs issues in whole file :r [name] insert the file [name] below the cursor. :r !{cmd} execute {cmd} and insert its standard output below the cursor. ############################################################################## # DELETING TEXT ############################################################################## x delete current character X delete previous character dw delete the current word dd delete (cut) a line dt' delete until the next ' character on the line (replace ' by any character) D delete from cursor to end of line :[range]d delete [range] lines ############################################################################## # COPYING AND MOVING TEXT ############################################################################## yw yank word yy yank (copy) a line 2yy yank 2 lines y$ yank to end of line p put (paste) the clipboard after cursor/current line P put (paste) before cursor/current line :set paste avoid unexpected effects in pasting :registers display the contents of all registers "xyw yank word into register x "xyy yank line into register x :[range]y x yank [range] lines into register x "xp put the text from register x after the cursor "xP put the text from register x before the cursor "xgp just like "p", but leave the cursor just after the new text "xgP just like "P", but leave the cursor just after the new text :[line]put x put the text from register x after [line] ############################################################################## # MACROS ############################################################################## qa start recording macro 'a' q end recording macro @a replay macro 'a' @: replay last command ############################################################################## # VISUAL MODE ############################################################################## v start visual mode, mark lines, then do command (such as y-yank) V start linewise visual mode o move to other end of marked area U upper case of marked area CTRL-v start visual block mode O move to other corner of block aw mark a word ab a () block (with braces) ab a {} block (with brackets) ib inner () block ib inner {} block Esc exit visual mode VISUAL MODE COMMANDS -------------------- > shift right < shift left c change (replace) marked text y yank (copy) marked text d delete marked text ~ switch case VISUAL MODE SHORTCUTS --------------------- v% selects matching parenthesis vi{ selects matching curly brace vi" selects text between double quotes vi' selects text between single quotes ############################################################################## # SPELLING ############################################################################## ]s next misspelled word [s previous misspelled word zg add word to wordlist zug undo last add word z= suggest word ############################################################################## # EXITING ############################################################################## :q quit Vim. This fails when changes have been made. :q! quit without writing. :cq quit always, without writing. :w save without exiting. :wq write the current file and exit. :wq! write the current file and exit always. :wq {file} write to {file}. Exit if not editing the last :wq! {file} write to {file} and exit always. :[range]wq[!] same as above, but only write the lines in [range]. ZZ write current file, if modified, and exit. ZQ quit current file and exit (same as ":q!"). ############################################################################## # SEARCH/REPLACE ############################################################################## /pattern search for pattern ?pattern search backward for pattern n repeat search in same direction N repeat search in opposite direction * search forward, word under cursor # search backward, word under cursor set ic ignore case: turn on set noic ignore case: turn off :%s/old/new/g replace all old with new throughout file :%s/old/new/gc replace all old with new throughout file with confirmation :argdo %s/old/new/gc | wq open multiple files and run this command to replace old with new in every file with confirmation, save and quit ############################################################################## # MULTIPLE FILES ############################################################################## :e filename edit a file in a new buffer :tabe filename edit a file in a new tab (Vim7, gVim) :ls list all buffers :bn go to next buffer :bp go to previous buffer :bd delete a buffer (close a file) :b1 show buffer 1 :b vimrc show buffer whose filename begins with "vimrc" :bufdo run 'command(s)' in all buffers :[range]bufdo run 'command(s)' for buffers in 'range' ############################################################################## # WINDOWS ############################################################################## :sp f split open f :vsp f vsplit open f CTRL-w s split windows CTRL-w w switch between windows CTRL-w q quit a window CTRL-w v split windows vertically CTRL-w x swap windows CTRL-w h left window CTRL-w j down window CTRL-w k up window CTRL-w l right window CTRL-w + increase window height CTRL-w - decrease window height CTRL-w < increase window width CTRL-w > decrease window width CTRL-w = equal window CTRL-w o close other windows zz Centers the window to the current line ############################################################################## # QUICKFIX WINDOW ############################################################################## copen open quickfix window cclose close quickfix window cc [nr] display error [nr] cfirst display the first error clast display the last error [count]cn display [count] next error [count]cp display [count] previous error ############################################################################## # PROGRAMMING ############################################################################## % show matching brace, bracket, or parenthese gf edit the file whose name is under or after the cursor gd when the cursor is on a local variable or function, jump to its declaration '' return to the line where the cursor was before the latest jump gi return to insert mode where you inserted text the last time CTRL-o move to previous position you were at CTRL-i move to more recent position you were at ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > ACK ############################################################################## :Ack Search recursively in directory o to open (same as enter) go to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results) t to open in new tab T to open in new tab silently q to close the quickfix window ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > CHEAT ############################################################################## :Cheat open cheat sheet (with autocomplete) ch open cheat sheet for word under the cursor ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > GIST ############################################################################## :Gist post whole text to gist :Gist XXXXX get gist XXXXX :Gist -l list my gists ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > GUNDO ############################################################################## :GundoToggle show undo tree ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > LUSTYJUGGLER ############################################################################## lj show open buffers ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > NERDCOMMENTER ############################################################################## cc comment out line(s) c toggle the comment state of the selected line(s) ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > NERDTREE ############################################################################## :NERDTreeToggle show / hide file browser :NERDTreeFind show current file in file browser :Bookmark name bookmark the current node as "name" FILE ---- o open in prev window go preview t open in new tab T open in new tab silently i open split gi preview split s open vsplit gs preview vsplit DIRECTORY --------- o open & close node O recursively open node x close parent of node X close all child nodes of current node recursively e explore selected dir BOOKMARK -------- o open bookmark t open in new tab T open in new tab silently D delete bookmark TREE NAVIGATION --------------- P go to root p go to parent K go to first child J go to last child CTRL-j go to next sibling CTRL-k go to prev sibling FILESYSTEM ---------- C change tree root to the selected dir u move tree root up a dir U move tree root up a dir but leave old root open r refresh cursor dir R refresh current root m show menu cd change the CWD to the selected dir TREE FILTERING -------------- I hidden files f file filters F files B bookmarks OTHER ----- q close the NERDTree window A zoom (maximize-minimize) the NERDTree window ? toggle help ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > PDV ############################################################################## CTRL-P generate PHP DOC ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > PICKACOLOR ############################################################################## :PickHEX choose color in system color picker ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > SNIPMATE ############################################################################## expand snippet ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > SPARKUP ############################################################################## CTRL-e execute sparkup (zen coding expansion) CTRL-n jump to the next empty tag / attribute ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > SURROUND ############################################################################## cs'" change surrounding quotes to double-quotes cs(} change surrounding parens to braces cs({ change surrounding parens to braces with space ds' delete surrounding quotes dst delete surrounding tags ysiw[ surround inner word with brackets vees' surround 2 words (ee) with quotes ' ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > TABULAR ############################################################################## :Tabularize /, line the selected lines up on the commas ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > TAGLIST ############################################################################## :TlistToggle open / close taglist window jump to tag or file display the tag prototype ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > UNIMPAIRED ############################################################################## [space new line above ]space new line below [e exchange line above ]e exchange line below [x XML encode ]x XML decode (with htmlentities) [q jump to previous quickfix item ]q jump to next quickfix item [Q jump to first quickfix item ]Q jump to last quickfix item ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > VIM-FUGITIVE ############################################################################## :Git run a git command :Gstatus git status : - to (un)stage , p to patch, C to commit :Gcommit git commit :Gread empty the buffer and revert to the last commit :Gwrite write the current file and stage the results :Gmove git mv :Gremove git rm :Glog git log :Gdiff perform a vimdiff against the current file of a certain revision :Gblame open blame information in a scroll bound vertical splitt :Gbrowse open github ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > VIM-MARKDOWN-PREVIEW ############################################################################## :Mm preview markdown document in webbrowser ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > VIM-PEEPOPEN ############################################################################## p open the current directory with the peepopen application (fuzzy search) ############################################################################## # PLUGINS > VIM-SYMFONY ############################################################################## :Sview open template file :Saction open action file :Smodel open model file :Sfilter open filter file :Sform open form file :Spartial open partial file / write selected content in partial + include :Scomponent open component file / write selected content in component + include :Salternate open alternate model file (class - table class) :Symfony execute task ############################################################################## # PERSONAL .VIMRC ############################################################################## ev edit vimrc file sv reload vimrc file sh show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor page down jj exit insertion mode q close the current window / clear the search register h toggle hidden characters W strip all trailing whitespace CTRL-h go to left window CTRL-j go to down window CTRL-k go to top window CTRL-l go to right window w open vertical split window and activate %% will expand to current directory ew open file from current directory es open file in split window from current directory cd change directory to parent dir of current file ## will expand to webroot :Wrap wrap text toggle wrapped text toggle spell check toggle light/dark background underline with dashes underline with double lines bubble line(s) up bublle line(s) down :Ltag load tags file :Project cd to project and load tags file t show current tag for word under cursor st show current tag for word under cursor in split window tj show current tag list for word under cursor stj show current tag list for word under cursor in split window CTRL- show omnicomplete menu b surround with strong tags i surround with em tags CTRL-p generate PHP DOC a run Ack md preview markdown s preview in safari x colorpicker n toggle Nerdtree N close Nerdtree f find current file in Nerdtree l toggle Taglist L close Taglist ph set filetype to php.html r reload all snipmate snippets CTRL- switch between buffers CTRL-y go to next tag of attribute in sparkup plugin g toggle Gundo window IMG show image browser to insert image tag with src, width and height b insert image tag with dimensions from NERDTree (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5707925/vim-image-placement) ```