# About Windtelligent AI

Currently, I am the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a wind speed prediction company. Cool! But there is so much to it so there's a lot to apply to it. Primarily it is a large collections of to-do's and projects that are python-related. 


It may be worth it to continue keeping the collection of [folders](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EUG5KNLwkm4lnwofyf4tRIw3_mwzZb5W?usp=sharing) that I have building the company and to further delve into the growing [github](https://github.com/katerspotaters/HackHouse_Wind/pull/30) repository which I have still yet to make changes or contribute to....

Anyways, [here is the website](https://www.windtelligent.ai/) for Windtelligent explaining what we are  trying to build and here is[ the wish list of things](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Careers%2FPast%2FWindtelligent.ai%2FIntelligence%2FWindtelligent%20Wishlist) that is still on the bucket list left to do with our product. One feature at a time remember. 
