# String Manipulation Shortcuts, cheatsheets, and sample codes that may be frequently used for strings. --- How to remove every other letter from a string: ```python >>> 'abcdefg'[::2] >'aceg' ``` --- To remove all characters after a specific character/substring from a string, you must use the str.replace() method in Python 3.+: ```python list_str = {'Abc.ex', 'Bcd.ex', 'cde.ex', 'def.jpg', 'efg.jpg'} new_set = {x.replace('.ex', '').replace('.jpg', '') for x in list_str} print(new_set) ``` output: ``` {'Bcd', 'Abc', 'cde', 'def', 'efg'} ``` Can also use str.removesuffix('suffix') method which will remove suffix if there is one, and if there isn't will return original word: ```python text = 'Quickly' print(text.removesuffix('ly')) print(text.removesuffix('World')) ``` output: ``` Quick Quickly ``` the partition method was introduced in python 2.5 and can also be used to get rid of a section. ```python text = 'text.com/yes/?/noandifwillthisbethere' head, sep, tail = text.partition('?') print(head) ``` output: ``` text.com/yes/ ``` ---