Kathy of IEEE - Career Fair at 1:00 pm Nithin Raveendran - University of Arizona professor in Error Correction # QSO Talk https://www.quantumsci.org ##### Bridging the gap ![[Pasted image 20230918142440.png]] - Anyone that has a PhD still has knowledge and still has a useful perspective **Quantum is pretty good for: - QUBO problems - Knapsack problem - NEC Corporation --- To turn it into a QUBO - - Use pyqubo - uses the paramaters it returns t - pyqubo also fails with more complexity - however - their bottlenexk i sthis company - for fiancnaisl - NEC - japanese company a century old company - fingerpirnts at airpots - fijutsu and many other companies Met with Stefano! when asked about the "copy" action (when it is technically encoding but still copy) - the other states go into the bell state for example - but can turn one qubit to two qubits through this logic still - the phi operator turns negative - What is the difference between red and green spiders? Diagram of the bloch sphere. - x-y is green - z-y is red green is maximally entangled at some point in the bloch sphere - bell state pi plus one with just the red is psi plus state psi - state pi gate you have a commute rule that guses them together but changes the sign - the only thing that gets annoying at times is eulers angle rule - everything else can be fused together anything without that turns it without legs is a scalar - compe --- ## Poster Presenting I of course presented my poster. ![[Pasted image 20230919232958.png]] Many that I met: - Groken of CERN and doing PhD - during Career Fair - quantum monte carlo simulations - Nicole - Introduced me to Michal - interesting conversations were had on a higher level - Ethan Hansen! - Daniel - John - Hunter Solomon - As well as others - Thomaso of Entropica Labs I met with Sara & Ryk at the end.