Carl Dukatz leads this group **2022 - Use Case TAC - Quantum Computing** - 100 use cases that are publicly available on the Data Discovery in QED-C site - Chemistry & Pharma Report - Supply Chain Report - Northwestern - Kevin Glynn - Terry and Reema for QuEnergy Workshop - Supply ChainTransportation & LogistircsWorkships ![[Pasted image 20221129135814.png]] - Goals - Study Active Quantum Applications - Generate New Use Case IDeas - Quantum Challenge (stretch goal) - define and run use case based challenge - quantum random number generation was also mentioened as running in production (probably for finance) - What needs to be done as a community to advance quantum technology? - 19 industries a great representation --- #### Workforce TAC ![[Pasted image 20221129155214.png]] **Learned from Bob Sutor:** - encoding data- lots of control Z gates and control Y - 3 things with machine learning: - HHL - SVM - entanglement - this exists. nothing??? **things learned from Tom:** 1. meet often 2. take meeting notes 3. break projects into manageable tasks 4. listen to everyone and keep an open mind #### For members - full reports are found [here]( - benchmark applications for QAOA - held 11 quantum marketplace webinars - - quantum computing market forecast by Hyperion Research - QTMR ![[Pasted image 20221129161036.png]] American policymakers are eagerly pursuing strategies for governance in the quantum computing field for a variety of reasons. Specifically, policymaker are seeking actionable strategies that enable domestic firms to reap economi gains from developing quantum computers, * *highlighted by Shwetha Jayaraj at page 9 on [[Quantum Computing Technology report.pdf]]*