Oded Regev Computer Science Dept NYU - Courant Institute *Person to talk to about PQC* What can we do with quantum computers? - simulating natural systems - facotorng - finding new algorithms *Cryptography until 20th century* - enigma machine boring! jk - secret key cryptography *Late 20th Century*: - Diffie Helman Public Key Encryption: - allows two parties to communciate securely over an insecure channel , without having to agree in advance on a secret Factoring Integer - 15 = 5 * 3 - 21 = 3 * 7 - current world record is 2500 digits - took 2700 computer years - very difficult task for computers - secure comms (web, phone, banks, governments) rely on this - based on assumption that this factoring is very hard Crisis in Cryptography - 199, Shor discussed factoring is easy for quantum computers Quantum Cryptography - allows uncontiionally secure, communcoation over a quantum channel (Weisman70, BenneetBressar84) - real world implementatins - but rrequites dedicated infrastructure Post-quantum Cryptography ---- # Speaker 2 - SandboxAQ Kahoot questions 1. What are the Z-basis states of a qubit 2. Which country is investing the most funds in quantum computing? 3. The Z Gate only adds a phase to |0> and not |1> TTrue/False ? --> FALSE 4. Which gate us used to put a qubit in a super position 1/root2 > H 5. A qubit in the state |0> is the SAME THING > **FALSE** it only has a flavor 6. What gate would you add to this circuit > **CX(0,1)** 7. What is the most practical allowed error rate in quantum computing - Below 1% 8. What will the measurement read? > 00, 01, 10, 11 9. Hackers can store RSA encryptedd data now, and decrypt it later when usedul quantum computing exists > True 10. The following is a mult-contro, multitarget, MCMT, How many control, and target qubits are there > Control Target 11. Create the following superposition in cricuit qc using onel ine of code 1/v2 (|00) > qc.h(1) 12. where is the quantum processor? 1. Rohan 2. Ethan 3. Bhavyansh S --- # Speaker 3 - research scientist in AWS AWS - analog version with QuEra -qbraid powered by AWsS His interests: - pulse-level control - he works on compilation - first circuit level compilation - bosonic qubit architecture - - GKB qubits - his favorite - Compilation for Hamiltonian Simulation - prof at Upenn - Machine Learning - Formal Verification for Quantum computing **Undergraduate Research Work ** Researchers! Sashad Anagolum Narges Alasvisami Poulami Das Moin Kesslet Elivagar: efficient circuit search for QML Problems with current QML circuits - chosen arbitrary from a small set of tempaltes - tempaltes do not incorpaorte any information about QML task or target device - choosing an ansatz is a very big thing / issue - a lot of people use templates which usually don't do work - people also quantum circuit search - based neural net search - inpired by classical Neural Architecture Search (NAS) - quantum NAS Differences between quantum and classical ML - they are different on all levels!! for quantum - how you embed is more flexibl - gradient compute is more expensive - big saearch space but as big in NISW - SWAPS are expnsive - not all qubit/links are created ewual your classical RAM is so much easier to copy and move around on the quantum side reach out - maya2newschool.edu ---- QcraiD - EHNU6626 - Contact: akash@qbraid.com pranet@qbraid.com --- # NYU-HAQ - Quantum Chemistry problems - - (MRSQK) algorithm - multireference selected quantum Krylov - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.05163 - [demo-notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/sandbox-quantum/Tangelo-Examples/blob/main/examples/chemistry/excited_states.ipynb#scrollTo=rpnEQfLZL8wx) - of the mrsqk algorithm - get a molecule - find a ground state and find the excited state - then evolve the hamiltonian - what happens when you scale this? count the resources it takes - for example, the amount of gates it uses document how expensive it is - or do circuit compilation - biggest molecule with the smallest amount of resources - do the first part in tangelo (ground state and excited state) - Quantum Finance problems - implement this algorithm using VQE - portfolio optimization - take your algorithm and optimize it on the hardware - do it to limit the computational cost - compare it to classical algorithms - run it on actual - DORA HACKS