The computer needs to run some protocol on command in order to perform a complicated set of actions. This protocol is usually programmed into the application or system in order to work. 

Luckily, a bunch of programmers in the 60s, 70s & 80s did all the hard work for you so many classic protocols, such as the Internet Protocol which lets you connect to the internet, have already been programmed to reliably run in order to let you do more things on your computer.

Though there are still plenty of protocols left to create for future machines. :-) 

- Here are some existing [protocols](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FNetworking%2FProtocols%2FIP%20(Internet%20Protocol))
- famously there is there the [IP address ](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FNetworking%2FProtocols%2FIP%20(Internet%20Protocol))
- even the OpenAI works via the OpenAI [API token](obsidian://open?vault=enter&file=Coding%20Tips%20(Classical)%2FTerminal%20Tips%2FCLI%20Tools%2FNetworking%2FProtocols%2FAPIs%2FAbout%20APIs)