# Agnostiq [Agnostiq](https://agnostiq.ai/) is a platform that helps streamline the tools needed to build quantum solutions for the future. There is an open source version called [covalent](https://www.covalent.xyz/) as well which is worth trying as well. ![[Pasted image 20220827183015.png]] Covalent allows for an easy workflow environment as well and can be used to further coordinate your quantum work as you delve further. --- ### Creating the Covalent Workflow in steps: 1. Go to your working codebase 2. The cool thing about Covalen is that it is entirely modular, *remember to work with your functions as module* 3. To your desired function module, add the `@ct.electron` decorator ### LightSolver - based on lasers. Quantum inspired hardware and software setup. - a quantum simulator is available to connect to the computer itself - is an enterprise solution to sell to commercial enttiies, boost perfomance and is an optimization solution. - 2SAT problem - connected to all papers on website --- #### QCTRL - Michael J Bierchuk - research translation, bringing into commercialization - NYIT presentation - educators can bring Black Opal certification and bringing in a software where educators can arrange certain components in whatever way they would like. - tip - don't have a cofounder, that is what michae did - Even though I only had heard a few words from him, --- ## SandboxAQ - met with a person - there is a growing need, they are a startup - sounds like the person doesnt really like Jack very much - there needs to be focus at the company - what is more improtant? the R &D as that is where much of the technology innovation is from, and then prdicticzation - they offere residencies and internships for students in academia --- ### IBM Quantum - met those who worked with ATOS, Dell and IBM, computers - many areas to work in for compiters - there is the QKD - there is the performance - there is the error correcton - and there is the QKD and security protocol.