--- dg-publish: true dg-permalink: "coding-projects" dg-updated: true --- # Coding Projects: A list + description of hobby projects I've done in the past ### **Projects:  - [https://github.com/shwetha729/careerconnect](https://github.com/shwetha729/careerconnect) - desktop  and mobile application project developed as a career fair connection applications for  users to log into  at conferences they attend in person for  software engineering & management course, programmed  in PHP, Javascript, SQL, and JustinMind mobile mockup software - [https://github.com/shwetha729/ErrselaPie](https://github.com/shwetha729/ErrselaPie) - python  file used to move NYIT’s ETIC center robot E.R.R.S.E.L.A.  For more  information, visit our robot :  [E.R.R.S.E.L.A. ETIC Research Robot for Student Engagement & Learning Activities](http://nyitetic.nyit.edu/errsela/) - [https://github.com/shwetha729/Storm-Station-App](https://github.com/shwetha729/Storm-Station-App) - an app that was designed to be programmed for the storm station project we worked  on in puerto rico for   climate disasters and resilience  - [https://github.com/shwetha729/Contract_Bridge-Card_Game](https://github.com/shwetha729/Contract_Bridge-Card_Game) - I wasn’t able to find a contract bridge card game online  after learning  more  about the  game during my time at Schrodinger  so I  wanted to try making the  game.  - [https://github.com/shwetha729/Siena-and-Shwetha](https://github.com/shwetha729/Siena-and-Shwetha) - one of the first Java software engineering projects made at UCONN with Sienna, a catering & dining application with GUI for multiple orders - [https://github.com/shwetha729/fmi-pediatrics-oncology](https://github.com/shwetha729/fmi-pediatrics-oncology) - FAIR data hackathon project with OntoForce where we won runner-up in the competition with 23&me taking first place in 2017. - [https://github.com/shwetha729/RobotPathPlanning](https://github.com/shwetha729/RobotPathPlanning) - forked and implemented for work in Algorithms course at Uconn  to demonstrate Djikstra’s algorithm when I was 19, here used for robot  path planning ### **Quantum  projects:  - [https://github.com/shwetha729/quantum-sky-oracle](https://github.com/shwetha729/quantum-sky-oracle) - github for  final CS master’s thesis project, a platform for educational resources for  quantum-curious as well as roadmap methodology for general outline flow instead of just resources thrown at students. This is no longer where the updated repo lives - [https://github.com/shwetha729/quantum-go-fish](https://github.com/shwetha729/quantum-go-fish) - a YQI hackathon project creating a quantum version  of the go  fish  game. Can read more about gameplay concept [here](https://stacky.net/wiki/index.php?title=Quantum_Go_Fish).  - The further repo ahead of commit  found here: [https://github.com/shwetha729/Feynmans-Fish](https://github.com/shwetha729/Feynmans-Fish) - [https://gitlab.com/shwetha729/lisp-in-quantum/-/blob/main/How_does_Lisp_work.md](https://gitlab.com/shwetha729/lisp-in-quantum/-/blob/main/How_does_Lisp_work.md) - a gitlab project outlining how quantum programming works in LISP -  a much more intuitive language  for  quantum computing paradigms.  - [https://github.com/shwetha729/qrg-2022-](https://github.com/shwetha729/qrg-2022-) website for  the  NYIT Quantum Computing Club, formerly known as the  QRG (quantum research group),  now NYIT Quantum seems to be catching on.   - [https://github.com/shwetha729/DualUnitaryCircuits-](https://github.com/shwetha729/DualUnitaryCircuits-) constructing dual unitary quantum gate circuits in hilbert space, learn more about how quantum architecture works  this way when designing yourself**