# Quantum & Climate 

The applications of quantum technology use for climate applications are immense. 
- the[ Q4Climate](https://q4climate.github.io/) collective specializes in applications regarding this
	- this is a link to their [2021 white paper ](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.05362.pdf)
- Quantum Energy Initiative is a consortium of international researchers committed to energy efficiency of quantum technologies 
	- view their most recent webinar [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBVg4HkT_YA). 


# Quantum Cryptopraphy 

Therea are several post-quantum cryptographic proofs  being  made available as well  as  being reviewed  currently  by the NIST  communities 

![[Pasted image 20221001152106.png]]

![[Pasted image 20221001152049.png]]

# Finance 

Refer to JP Morgan's slides from  Dr. Yue Sun on portfolio optimizations 

# Quantum Games 

There a plethora of fun games that are released and being developed in order to introduce learners to the fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics does not work in the way we expect it to so games are an  excellent way to bring entire collectives on board to thinking in a truly quantum way 
- some examples  are Quantum chess, Quantum go-fish, and more found [here](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2C%20Orgs%2C%20%26%20Apps%2FApplications%2FGames!!%2FFinally%20the%20fun%20part) 


# Quantum Internet 

A cryptographic application to send information through. 
- Deploy quantum applications securely 
	- Universally Blind Quantum Computation -  set of cryptographic protocols  that allow a user to  run a quantum computation on a processor that they do  not trust at all, and still  guaranteed perfect privacy even from person operating the processor. Key application of quantum internet. 
- Really matters about data  crossing boorders due to geographic restrictions  as  discussed in this [video from Horizon Quantum Computing ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40SnYksUYvA)


> [!NOTE] Quantum machine learning  is one of the biggest pillars of quantum computing application that we will see in the workforce of the future 
> [[Machine Learning  (QML)]]

# Quantum Metrology

In which special tools are being created to  observe quantum effects 


# Quantum Optimizations

often using QAOA

# Quantum Simulations 

Whole systems are [simulated](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2C%20Orgs%2C%20%26%20Apps%2FApplications%2FSimulations) without need for data or equations of mathematics by altering the options/probabilities of systems themselves. Helps us better understand complex systems.

The[ qiskit-nature](obsidian://open?vault=Coding%20Tips&file=Computers%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2FComputer%20choices%2FIBM%2FQiskit-Nature) package would be a good one to use here. 
Or refer to the[ list of quantum tools for simulators](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian&file=Quantum%20Vault%2FQuantum%20Realm%2FTechnologies%2C%20Orgs%2C%20%26%20Apps%2FApplications%2FList%20of%20Quantum%20Tools) too. 

## Space 

There are endless applications for what the upcoming discoveries in computation in quantum technology could mean to advance our mission in space. 

- In fact, check out how this team used D-Wave quantum computers to solve for [satellite planning problems.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BmPPZNgub8&feature=youtu.be)
# Transportation  
- airbus 
- cargo announcement from QuantumSouth