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Include your list of links in eventual alphabetical or sequential format : more found here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u_6rjrMqY4oy5IfNiU73lxuy8KquaIQvV9GElfrNzGM/edit
- Basic Quantum Algorithms.pdf
- Educational Practices
- Defining the quantum workforce landscape- a review of global quantum education initiatives.pdf
- What is AQ and how will it change your world?
- Defining the quantum workforce landscape- a review of global quantum education initiatives.pdf
- Accelerating Quantum Computing Research.pdf
- https://learningjournals.co.uk/what-are-the-different-pedagogical-approaches-to-learning/
- High-Impact-Ed-Practices1.pdf
- https://stocks.apple.com/A6I-mirfmSN6XHYU7Wfv92g
- QIS-XML An Extensible Markup Language for Quantum Information Science.pdf
- PhysRevPhysEducRes.16.020131.pdf
- Quantum Computing Technology report.pdf
- Detection in Electrical Grids Using Quantum Annealing eon_dwave_weibnar_marina_fernandez.pdf
- Contextualiy in entanglement assisted
- https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/resrep26934.8.pdf?refreqid=fastly-default%3Ab5fc498801ec3637369f297493905a40&ab_segments=0%2FSYC-6704_basic_search%2Fcontrol&origin=search-results&acceptTC=1
- application in finance - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.03819.pdf