Notepad/enter/Machine Tips (Quantum)/Resources/Concepts Review/Math/Math

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Here are a list of really great math software to use as you will need to use them in your continued math journey into quantum computation.

  • Cantor - the KDE based mathematical front-end to render your calculations!
    • input text
  • WolframAlpha - a classic math software
  • OmniCalculator - quite literally all the calculators for all the calculations you'll ever need!
  • CindyJS aims to create easy physics and math simulations
  • CGAL - a C++ geometric algorithms framework
  • Math and Music
  • Mathpix - an essential tool for converting LaTeX math formulas easily into markdown & vice versa
    • pandoc can do this too but Mathpix has more rich feature in my opinion
    • also available as an extension on laptop as well as online editor
    • supports PDF to LaTeX/markdown & vice versa for those pesky research papers! !Pasted image 20241022145556.png
  • SAGE Math