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Yen-chi Chen, Wells Fargo

  • Variational Quantum Circuits
  • Parameterized Quantum Circuit (PQC) - "The other PQC"

|0> --- encoding gate --- parameterized -----measurement

Rz = encoding gate Ry = parameterized gate

[ sin(x)] \sin x \sqrt{ y }

Quantum gradients =

  • the gradient of with respect to the parameter theta - the value can be calculated by running two quantum circuits with parameterized circuits - called parameter shift
  • f (x,y,z) = z x Q(x + y)

Quantum CNN -

  • use image classification to QCNN wireachhigh accuraccy wuth smaller number of epochs
  • quantum federarted learning - they don't share the dataset
  • they will train on their own and they only share the models

Quantum Fedrated ML with Differential Privacy

  • During our training we get some noise to get our gradient
  • to ensure that our data is differential and private
  • Watkins, Yoo -- Differential machine learning with differential privacy

Quantum LSTM

  • Quantum long short-term memory
  • replace the classical neural networks with variational quantum circuits (VQC_)
  • QLSTM can show ---- read the paper

Quantum RL

  • quantum agents in the Gym - a vriational quantum algorithm
  • quantum rl is similar to classical rl except replace

Paper : Efficient quantum recurrent reinforcdement learning via quantum reservoir computing, 2024

When BERT meets quantum - paper

  1. H QC P > using classical computer to optimize ]
  2. Variational quantum circuits aka paramtererized quantum circuits
  3. can be used with classical components and whole model improved with gradient descent methods

Paper outline for structure:

  • Motivation

  • Challenge:

  • Approach

  • Create benchmarks for quantum machine learning - very hard to convince classical machine learning people that quantum is useful..

  • how to mitigate barren plateau