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Don't like how this one is set up or how it explains things? Don't worry, it's not you, it's me. While I get this site set up, you can check out these additional educational platforms to learn from there as well. The more methods to learn, the better.
The Grand List of Quantum 101 resources:
Online Learning Platforms:
- QuTube
- quantum 101 education guides
- algorithm explanations
- QuantumCurious
- exactly as the title states, it is geared toward those that are quantum curious
- a bunch of learning resources & texts for beginners as well as meetups
- Awesome Quantum Computing
- a github full of updated links and resources.
For grades 6-8:
- Quantum Awesomeness
- Check out quantum games.
- Ethan Hansen's podcast
- beginner-friendly from the view of an explorer himself
- Post-Quantum
- geared toward industry and companies
Student groups & communities:
- this MIT Medium collection of student work in quantum.