Notepad/enter/Coding Tips (Classical)/Terminal Tips/Languages/

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The very first programming language I learned in college when I was 18 years old.

Build a website in 1 minute with Lisp. website-vid

Another tip is to use plists to create instances of classes like so & explained here: !Pasted image 20230901121505.png

It has been nearly 10 years since I started learning Lisp (or Scheme anyways). And I am still no better of a programmer for it...

The GDrive Screenshot from my freshman year...

!Pasted image 20230828113948.png

But I'd like to think I understand a few theoretical concepts here and there about computation.

If there is a time where I ever need it again, just know that my notes are still all in this one folder. I am thankful that my parents could only afford me a cheap chromebook, I started using Google Drive way before it was cool.