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Welcome. Ny name is Shwetha! I love Star Wars, Digimon, Sailor Moon, & Neopets - the virtual world in which I grew up playing in as a kid and which we seemingly continue to live in today. :-)
Here is a [[Resume-ish - my occupations| resume-ish of stuff about me ]] which I will better organize later.
This is where all of neo-notes are hosted. My[ git server lives here as well](http://git.shwethajayaraj.com:3000/) if you'd like to collaborate with me.
>Came here for [[Quantum Stuff| my quantum stuff? ]]
You resist the curiosity and choose to leave. Goodbye!
> I respect your right to privacy! There are no trackers or cookies on this entire site other than this cute website hit counter.
Due to my commitment to community service, I am typically always un-financially wealthy. [Consider buying me a coffee. ](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/shwetha)
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