Notepad/enter/Coding Tips (Classical)/Project Vault/Obsidian/Tips on Obsidian

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Obsidian is what I'm making all of this stuff that is on here right now on. For what it's worth, Obsidian is freaking cool, okay? At its core, it's just a bunch of markdown files and at its best, it is absolutely everything and anything that I want it to be. It's worth it as a knowledge management system and even if you don't use it as anything more than a note-taking software, it forces you to go back and to go over the things that you thought you knew.

Obsidian is resourceful because you are compiling knowledge as a story rather than as a file dump or a storage system. When you frame it as a story, you can go back and re-understand the things you had noted down before without losing current contextual relevancy. This allows you to quickly apply whatever was learned before to what you are dealing with now -- which is the whole point of learning anyhow! :)

With all of the new automation tools that are coming out, it is important to note that Obidian is your personal knowledge-base, not a knowledge management base that needs to necessarily be the most efficient or most pretty of things. It can be messy and inefficient but at least your notes will be somewhere here for you to iteratively build upon. And that is the beauty of it. Plus, it's fun. And when you have fun, you are more productive.

A Place for Obsidian Tips

Place any tips or tricks you find on the web on here.


The file to see all installed plugins through terminal is /Users/shwethajayaraj/Google\ Drive/My\ Drive/uploads/Obsidian/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-extract-pdf-annotations

Extract PDF Annotations

!Pasted image 20221211145937.png

  • above are the current hotkeys for pdf extraction
  • the file to see plugin

Recent Obsidian Updates:

Misc. improvements

  • YouTube and Twitter links can now be embedded within your notes using the markdown image embed syntax (i.e. ![](
  • We've redesigned all the tree components (e.g. File Explorer, Outline view) to make the visual hierarchy more clear. If you are using a custom theme, make sure to update it (Settings → Appearance → Check for updates) in case it was impacted at all.
  • Bookmarks: Added new "Bookmark this block" menu item when right-clicking on a block ID.