Notepad/enter/Machine Tips (Quantum)/Math/Algorithms/Encryption/Encryption

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All your files if placed in a cloud has the potential to be read or flagged for content. As a privacy-conscious user, it is important to take a look at secure encryption tools so that your data remains data meant for only your viewing. This includes viewing vis-a-vis robots as well.

Encryption tools:

Typical encryption setups for computers include BitLocker for Windows or LUKS for Linux. BitLocker is typically an enterprise encryption tool used for businesses but it can also be enabled on Home computers too if you follow these instructions.

Browser Based:

  • - provides file encryption within browser
    • !Pasted image 20230810192136.png

Command Line:

  • Kryptor - a simple, modern, and secure file encryption and signing tool for Windows, Linux, and macOS. A leaner, user-firendly alternative to GPG.
  • Veracrypt - free open source disk encryption software
  • Cryptomater - for cloud encryption.
  • Cryptsetup - an open source utility for disk encryption
  • OpenPGP - Open Source implementation of Pretty Good Privacy. Has been around a long time. Good for encrypting email or digitally signing.
    • use future defauts when generating keys
      • When generating keys we suggest using the future-default command as this will instruct GnuPG use modern cryptography such as Curve25519 and Ed25519: gpg --quick-gen-key future-default


  • Tutanota - privacy-conscious email service with great UI & updating for PQC algorithm-resistant software!

Installing Cryptomater:

  1. Install MacFUSE
  2. Download Cryptomater
  3. Follow the documentation after installing to Applications.
    1. Create new vaults or existing ones using AddVault button left hand corner !Pasted image 20230810193826.png !Pasted image 20230810193908.png !Pasted image 20230810193916.png !Pasted image 20230810193924.png !Pasted image 20230810193931.png

Open an Existing Vault

To open an existing vault, you need to locate the masterkey.cryptomator file of the vault you wish to open.