Notepad/enter/Coding Tips (Classical)/Project Vault/Current Projects/Communication Projects/RADIO/Amateur Radio Study 07.13.2...

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The Full Technician Study Guide

  • the unit of frquency is Hz
  • Radio is an alternating current
  • voltage = current x reistance (E = I x R)
  • the number of cycles per second if the frequency
  • the unit of resistance is the ohm
  • the unit of capacitor is the farad
  • what image is usually depicted as a coil of wire = inductor
  • the unit of inductance is the henry
  • the voltage stays on a capacitor but it does not on an inductor
  • the following battery chemistries are rechargeable
    • nickel-metal hydride
    • lithium ion
    • lead acid
  • the following bettery chemistry is not rechargeable
    • carbon zince
  • Rapid flutter on mobile signals due to multipath propagation is called picket fencing

sidenote: A Zener diode is a special type of diode designed to reliably allow current to flow "backwards" when a certain set reverse voltage, known as the Zener voltage, is reached. Zener diodes are manufactured with a great variety of Zener voltages and some are even variable


G (giga) = 10^9 M (mega) = 10^6 k (kilo) = 10^3


m (milli) = .001 10^-1 M (micri) = .000000 19^-6 n (nano) = 0.000000000 10^-9 p (pico) = 10^12

500 mW = 0.5 W 3000 mA = 3 A 3.525 MHz = 3525 kHz 284400 kHz = 28.400 MHz

  • Decibels (power ratios):
    • 3 dB --> 2:1 (ex. 5W --> 10W)
    • 6 dB --> 4:1
    • 10 dB --> 10:1
    • Decibels are logarithmic

electronic current that allows current to flow in only one direction --> diode

what are the two charges of a diode --> anode + cathode

  • Electrolytic capacitor
  • transistors can be used as an electronic switch
    • can also be used an amplifier
  • FET = field effect transistor
  • bipolar junction transmitter
  • NPN
  • PNP