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I've run into many an inspiring obsidian as well as I've set up my own obsidian. Here are some that I think are worth refering back to.
- This developer who turned his obsidian into a [wiki](https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge/tree/main/docs) for himself with a paid model
- This Idea Galaxy [made by John ](https://notes.johnmavrick.com/about-me/)
- [Fork my Brain](https://notes.nicolevanderhoeven.com/Fork+My+Brain) has a lot of cool things on it
- [Mindtopia](https://mindtopia.esteban-thilliez.com/) is another great one for inspo
![asoka](https://media.giphy.com/media/QtjNbzT6Zi5Cm2oyV2/giphy.gif) |