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Hi! Thanks for stopping by.

c3p0 Hello. Ny name is Shwetha! I love Star Wars, learning stuff, Neopets, playing music, & Sailor Moon. 🌙 My CV/resume for what I research & do professionally can be found pdf .

I am a programmer and research engineer based in NYC. Most recently I taught quantum computing full-time. I still teach and develop various programs in Manhattan. ^-^

[!bug]+ Programming Guides & Niche Machine Optimizations: I'll try to share ongoing tips I've found useful here too.

May the Force be with you. 💫

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[!info]- I respect your right to privacy. Practice internet freedom safely (third)! I try to place no trackers or analytics on this site to aggregate or collect any of your personal data. No promises on what other third party softwares might do though.

  • I will place retro 2000's hit counters instead
  • You fondly reminisce back to a time when the internet was free & clicking on a site didn't cost anything. Rejoice! 🤠

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